Another view of Company 35 at Pier 22 1/2, Embarcadero and Harrison, the home of the San Francisco Fire Department's two fireboats, Phoenix and Guardian. The station was built in 1915.
From the Report of the Department of Engineering of the State of California, 1917: "A fire house for the use of the San Francisco Fire Department, located on the bulkhead wharf between Piers 22 and 24. This is a two-story timber building, 38 feet by 62 feet in size, covered with cement plaster and containing a garage for a motor drive engine, with living and sleeping rooms for the company. This building was completed in April, 1915."
In other news: I was sad to hear on the radio this morning that Jules Tygiel, baseball historian, had died. I took California History from him at SF State. Baseball came up a lot. He was a good teacher and a good writer.
I was also sad to learn that my friend Val Golding of Seattle had passed away. He was a native of San Francisco, a man with a great depth of knowledge about transit history, and a nice guy. He wrote a very good article about his memories of transit in San Francisco, "San Francisco: That Was the City That Was": http://www.cable-car-guy.com/html/ccvalgolding.html#top
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