After a rough night, my wife and I got up in the morning and went up to deck 14 by the aft elevators. We opened the door and were nearly blown down. We worked our way up to the buffet and had coffee. Later we saw signs like the one above posted on the windows. The sea was covered with whitecaps. The log we received at the end of the cruise said the winds were Force 10 that day.
Our daughter felt better when she got up.
My mother-in-law has always wanted to win at trivia, which appears to be a big event on cruise ships, so she was hoping she could do well with our help. We had to compete several times and helped her to win passport holders and luggage tags. Bad things often happen when I play trivia, but nothing this time.
Monday was the first formal night. At dinner we found two new people at the table, two gentlemen from Walnut Creek, married four years. Nice people, but one wasn't feeling well. Everyone looked nice. After, we posed for photos with the in-laws.
We took our daughter to a night club called Jammers for drinks.
By the end of the day, the seas had grown calmer.
I didn't get to read as much as I had hoped. I started with Jack London's The Call of the Wild. It seemed appropriate.
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