1. A bunch of people died, including Oscar Peterson, Sir Edmund Hillary, and Vampira.
2. I joined two very interesting discussion sites, Nitrateville (http://www.nitrateville.com/) about classic films and SilentComedians.com (http://www.silentcomedians.com/) about, well, you can guess. From a posting on the latter I learned that one of my entries in last year's Slapstick Blog-a-Thon (http://filmyear.typepad.com/blog/2007/09/slapstick-blo-1.html) was wrong about the way that Billie Ritchie died (http://cablecarguy.blogspot.com/2007/09/killed-by-ostrich-september-9-2007.html). I've made an update.
3. I realized that I had never mentioned a wonderful bay cruise that we took on 30-December-2007. The photo, which I took that day, shows the view as we returned under the Golden Gate Bridge. It was a clear day and not particularly cold.
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