Friday, July 23, 2021

Music Chairman Writes on "Jazz" -- July 23, 2021


Rock Island Argus, 21-July-1921

Music Chairman Writes on "Jazz."

"Dancing to Mozart minuets, Strauss waltzes, and Sousa two steps, would never lead to the corset check room which now holds sway in hotels, clubs and dance halls. Nor would a girl who wore corsets in those days have been dubbed 'Old Ironsides,' and left a disconsolate wall flower In a corner of the ball room," says Mrs. Mark E. Oberndorfer, national music chairman of the General Federation of Music clubs.

The question appears in an article entitled "Does Jazz put the 'Syn' in Syncopation," written by Mrs. Oberndorfer in tbe interest of better music. This article which appears in the August number of the Ladies' Home Journal, points out music, how music may become an influence for evil. It directs particular criticism to jazz, offering evidence that jazz produces a definite demoralizing effect upon the human brain.

Mrs. Oberndorfer continues:
"Jazz originally was the accompaniment to voodoo rites stimulating the half-crazed barbarian to the vilest deeds.

After pointing out the evil created by jazz Mrs. Oberndorfer concludes with a plea for good music because of the helpful inspiration it can and will give. She says "the music department of the General Federation of Music clubs, has taken for its motto: "Make good music popular and popular music good." The article shows how the women of America can help the club women carry out this motto in every home until all the music in our land becomes an influence for good.

Mrs. Oberndorfer feels good music and the cultivation of the tastes of the young people is "A problem for the American parents," and it is their best efforts and hearty cooperation which is urged.

Writing to Mrs. L. M. Ruedy of Davenport, vice president of the Iowa Federation and of Music clubs Mrs. Oberndorfer asks that the interest of local clergymen in urging better music in the homes, and doing away with the insufferable jazz, be taken up. She writes:
"I desire the clergymen all over the country to take the right stand on jazz and to realize what we  women are now doing."

All interested in better music are asked to read Mrs. Oberndorfer's article and to use their influence to do away with the noisy voodoo style of dance tunes pervading dance halls.

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