Doctor Peter Henri Van Der Weyde wrote the series of articles which gave this blog its name. This article, from the 10-December-1869 New York Tribune describes a meeting of the Polytechnic Branch of the American Institute.
The Polytechnic Branch of the American Institute met at their rooms in the Cooper Institute last evening. Prof. Samuel D. Tillman presided and opened the meeting by reading his usual summary of scientific news. A machine for working sewing-machines by the use of springs was exhibited, and its merits and demerits freely discussed. Dr. Hall then exhibited a bathometer for sea soundings, which was highly commended. The subject for the evening, "The Aurora Borealis," was next taken up, and scientifically treated by Dr. Vanderweyde, who spoke at length, clearly setting forth the Electric theory, and seeking to prove the origin of the phenonmena to be from that source. The lateness of the hour preventing Dr. Hall's reply, further discussion was postponed.
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