Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Super Ship H. F. Alexander -- August 27, 2024

Los Angeles Times, 01-August-1924

The S.S. Great Northern was launched in 1914 for the Great Northern Pacific Steam Ship Company. The Great Northern and her sister the Northern Pacific were extremely fast turbine-driven ships used to connect Puget Sound with San Francisco. In 1917, both ships were taken over to serve as Army transports during World War One. Both ships were sold to the Pacific Steamship Company, owner of the Admiral Line. The Northern Pacific sank on its way to a shipyard for refurbishment. Great Northern was renamed after the founder of the Admiral Line, HR Alexander.

This 1924 ad touts the "Super Ship H. F. Alexander ... (the) largest, finest, fastest coastwise vessel in the world." It was scheduled to run from Los Angeles to San Francisco overnight. 

The Admiral Line folded up in 1936. The H. F. Alexander served again as a troop transport during World War Two. She was scrapped in 1948.

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