Thursday, August 22, 2024

Here's the Guy Everyone's Talking About -- August 22, 2024

San Francisco Examiner, 25-May-1951

If I had been in San Francisco in May 1951, I would have tried to go to both of these shows. The Say When on Bush Street featured Harry the Hipster Gibson, a wild piano-playing singer and Leomine Gray, a lady who also played the piano and sang. Harry the Hipster was most famous for his song "Who Put the Benzedrine in Mrs. Murphy's Ovaltine?"

The Blackhawk in the Tenderloin hosted pianist and composer Errol Garner. His most famous composition was "Misty." When I first took one of his records home from the Anza Branch Library, I was distracted by the vocal noises that he made. Eventually, I got used to them. 

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