Philadelphia Evening Telegraph, 10-June-1870 |
Boz (pronounced like "nose") died 150 years ago today, on 09-June-1870. Some years ago I decided to read or reread all of Charles Dickens' novels, even Barnaby Rudge and Martin Chuzzlewit, during my commute. I don't remember how long it took, but it was worthwhile. I still have to read some short stories and Christmas stories A college professor once said that Dickens' works make good movies because "they can cut out all the dull stuff." Several of the members of the class were offended, but she was probably right. .
Death of the Great Novelist, Yesterday Afternoon, Near London, at the Age of 58.
His Career as a Journalist, Novelist,
and Playwright -- The Immortal
Mr. Pickwick, and
His Other Household Characters.
London, June 10. -- Charles Dickens, the eminent author, died yesterday afternoon, at the age of fifty-eight.
Later Particulars.
London, June 10. -- Charles Dickens died at twenty minutes past six o'clock last evening, of paralysis.
The announcement which the above cable despatch makes will create a sensation no less profound in this country than in England. The
voluminous writings of Mr. Dickens were so well known throughout the length and breadth of the land, his books have been for
years in the hands of so many, such eager multitudes have thronged the halls in which his readings have been delivered, that his death will
come home to hundreds of thousands, and will be mourned as would be the death of a near and valued personal friend.
His Early Life.
Charles Dickens was born at Landport, Portsmouth, England, on the 7th of February, 1812,
and had, therefore fully completed his fifty-eighth year at the time of his death. His father,
John Dickens, had for many years held a position in the pay department of the navy, from
which he retired in 1815, on a pension. He was a man of considerable literary acquirements,
and, removing to London after his resignation, he became connected with one of the daily papers
of the English metropolis as a reporter of Parliamentary debates. His son Charles he
intended for the profession of the law, and accordingly placed him at an early age in an attorney's
office as a clerk. In this position he was by no means idle, but acquired a thorough knowledge
of the complicated machinery and technical phraseology of tho law, which he was enabled
in after years to turn to such excellent use. The drudgery of the work, however, weighed
heavily upon his spirit, as a taste for literary pursuits was developed, and manifested chiefly
at first by an indiscriminate reading of novels and plays.
He Becomes a Journalist.
Happily, his father's journalistic associations enabled him to exchange his distasteful pursuits
for a more congenial occupation. He became attached to the
True Sun, a daily London journal,
as a reporter, and soon after transferred himself to the
Morning Chronicle, a paper
which at that time possessed a large circulation and was at the very height of its popularity,
under the management of Mr. John Black. It was in 1834 that he had begun to contribute to
Old Monthly Magazine, his first paper in that periodical being "Mrs. Joseph Porter over
the way." This was followed by "Horatio Sparkins," and "The Boarding House," but it
was not until the publication of the second paper under the last title that he assumed the
pseudonym of "Boz,"as may be found by reference to the
Old Monthly for August, 1834. Mr.
Black soon recognized the ability of the young man, and gave him an opportunity to
exercise it to the best advantage by publishing a series of "Sketches of English Life and Character,"
in which were displayed his versatility and piquancy of style. These sketches were
published in the evening edition of the
Chronicle, over the signature of
and at once attracted great attention by reason of the remarkable and original vein of observation
which characterized them, although by many they were denounced because the powers
of the unknown writer were exercised to so great an extent in the delineation of scenes of
misery and vice, and the exposure of the infirmities of humanity. The popularity of the
sketches, however, was so great, that in 1830-37 they were collected and published in three
volumes, under the title of "Sketches by Boz," and enjoyed a large sale.
Early Dramatic Triumphs.
While writing the "Sketches," a strong inclination towards the stage induced Mr.
Dickens to test his powers as a dramatist, and his first piece, a farce called
The Strange Gentleman, was produced at the St. James' Theatre
on the opening night of the season, September 29, 1830. The late Mr. Harley was the hero of
the farce, which was received with great favor, This was followed by an opera, called
Village Coquettes, for which Mr. Hullah composed the music, and which was brought out
at the same establishment, Tuesday, December 6, 1836. The quaint humor, unaffected pathos and
graceful lyrics of this production found prompt recognition, and the piece enjoyed a prosperous
The Village Coquettes took its title from two village girls, Lucy and Rose, led away by
Vanity, coquetting with men above them in tation, and discarding their humble though
worthy lovers. Before, however, It is too late, they see their error, aud the piece terminates
happily. "Miss Rainforth" and "Miss Julia Smith" were the heroines, and "Mr. Bennet"
and "Mr. Gardner" were their betrothed lovers. "Braham" was the Lord ot the Manor, who
culd have led astray the fair "Lucy." There was a capital scene where he was detected
by "Lucy's" father, played by Strickland, urging elopement, Harley had a trifling
part in the piece, rendered highly amusing by his admirable acting. On March 6,
1837, was brought out, at the St. James' Theatre, a farce called
Is She His Wife; or,
Something Singular, in which Harley played the principal character, "Felix Tapkins," a flirting
bachelor, and sang a song in the character of Pickwick, "written expressly for him by Boz."
The name of the author was not given in the playbill. But the celebrity so rapidly acquired
by Mr. Charles Dickens in other departments of literature kept his pen from this time too
constantly in request to enable him to follow up these early dramatic ventures.
"The Pickwick Papers."
The freshness, humor, and vivacity of the sketches of London life, and the dramatic power
indicated by The Village Coquette, attracted the attention of Mr. Hall, a member
of the well-known publishing firm of Chapman and Hall, who applied to "Boz" to prepare for
them a serial story to be issued in monthly parts. The work was begun without any definite plan,
as is almost patent to the casual reader in the early chapters. It was suggested to Mr. Dickens
that the adventures and mishaps of a club made up of original and eccentric characters would
afford a happy medium for displaying not only the powers of the author, but also those of the
artist who was engaged to illustrate them, Mr. Seymour, a popular comic draughtsman. With
this hint the first number of the "Posthumous Memoirs of the Pickwick Club" was prepared
and given to the world, but before the second appeared the artist died by his own hand, and
Mr. Hablot K. Browne, who was known under the name of "Phiz," was engaged to
illustrate the succeeding numbers, which he did with all the spirit and vivacity inaugurated by
his predecessor.
The work was completed and published in a collected form in 1837. But long before It was
finished, it had attained a degree of popularity to which nothing in English literature since the
appearance ot the Waverley Novels afforded a parallel. Between the appearance of tho first
and last numbers of the work the author rose at one giant stride to the recognized position of
the most popular living writer in the language, a position which ho successfully maintained
to the day of his death. The wit, pathos, originality, and accuracy of his pictures of
English life and manners, both high and low, touched the hearts and captivated the fancy of
all classes. All England and America were thrown into an ecstatic laughter over the mishaps
of Mr. Pickwick and his companions, the rare attractions of the great trial scene of Bardell vs.
Pickwick, and the quaint sayings, grotesque comparisons, and inimitable conversations of
the two Wellers, father and son. The sayings of the incomparable Samivel were quoted by
speakers in the houses of Parliament and by the ragged gamins in the slums of London. In less
than six months from the appearance of the first number, the names of Winkle, Wardle, Weller,
Snodgrass, Dodson, and Fogg had become familiar as household terms. "Pickwick chintzes"
figured in shop windows, and "Weller corduroys" in tailors' advertisements; "Boz cabs"
were rattling through the streets of London, and the portraits of the author of "Pelham" or
"Crichton" in the omnibuses were scraped down or pasted over, to make room for those of the
new popular favorite. A fresh vein of humor had been opened, an original genius had sprung up,
and even the heavy
Quarterly Review acknowledged that "the most cursory reference to
preceding English writers of the comic order would show that, in his own peculiar walk, Mr. Dickens is not simply the most distinguished, but the first." And the man who had thus
thrown not only London, but every English-speaking community in the world, into an almost
furore, was but twenty-five years old, and this was his first serious effort in
the walks of literature. Taking Into consideration his youth and his surroundings, his sudden
fame was fairly without a parallel in the whole history of letters.
The Appearance of "Oliver Twist."
The name of the author of the "Pickwick Papers" was not announced until 1838, but as
soon as they were fairly underway proposals from the leading London publishers flowed in
upon him with unexampled rapidity. He accepted from among all these the offer of Mr.
Bentley, and became editor of
Bentley's Miscellany, in the second number of which,
for February, 1837. appeared the first Instalment of "Oliver Twist." The story, admirably
illustrated by George Cruikshank, at once became a favorite, and is still regarded as one of the
author s most striking novels. This novel fully sustained the high reputation acquired by the
"Pickwick Papers." Although its humor was not so rich, nor so abundant, nor so genial, as
that displayed in the preceding work, it possessed a deeper tragic power, especially in the
painting of the deeper passions of the soul and tho terrible retributions of crime.
In "Oliver Twist," as in "Nicholas Nickleby," which was issued in shilling numbers, uniform
with "Pickwick," shortly after the completion of that work, Mr. Dickens dealt with abuses and
cruelties which prevailed In certain public institutions, and was happily instrumental in
repealing laws that sanctioned gross injustice.
Indeed, it is noticeable that in most of his novels he has battled with some covert wrong
against society, and, while adding to literature a crowd of imperishable creations, has taught
the world the most thorough lessons In human charity and love.
"Nicholas Nickleby" and Its Successor.
"Oliver Twist" appeared collectively in 1838, and 1839 the "Life and Adventures of Nicholas
Nickleby" was completed and given to the world entire. In 1840 Mr. Dickens undertook, and
completed in the succeeding year, the production of a series of tales in weekly numbers,
undtr the general title of "Master Humphrey's Clock." It was in this series that "The Old
Curiosity Shop" and "Barnaby Rudge" were first given to the world. While "Master Humphrey's
Clock" was still running, he edited the "Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi," the celebrated clown.
Mr. Dickens' First Visit to the United States.
On finishing "Master Humphrey's Clock" Mr. Dickens sailed from England for the United
States, to gather material for a volume upon the men and manners of the New World. He arrived
in Boston on January 22, 1842, and sailed for England again on June 3 of the same year.
During this brief sojourn he travelled extensively through the Northern and Eastern states,
and was everywhere received with great enthusiasm. After his return to England, he published,
in 1842, the result of his observations in a work entitled "American Notes for General
Circulation." This work, however, added but little to his reputation, and many of his
observations and criticisms drew from those who had been his warm admirers heretofore earnest and
decided protests. After his second visit to this country, however, he made a rather unsatisfactory
apology for his unkind allusions, by stating that he had found so many improvements since
his first visit as to render his adverse criticisms uncalled for at present, and that all future
editions of the "American Notes" would contain a statement to that effect.
The Establishment of the London "Daily news."
"Martin Chuzzlewit" appeared in numbers in 1844, and in the summer of that year the author
visited Italy. He returned home after an absence of several months to assist in founding a cheap
daily newspaper of liberal politics. Having organized a large literary staff, and enlisted the
services of many of the ablest writers of the day, he issued in January, 1840, the first
number of the
Daily News, acting as editor-in-chief, and contributing to its columns the results
of his Italian journey, subsequently reprinted in book form as "Pictures from Italy." The
Daily News well under way, Mr. Dickens retired from the editorial management in order to
devote himself to pursuits more congenial and to the world at large, not less than to himself,
more important.
His "Christmas Stories."
It was in 1843 that he gave us the first of his inimitable Christmas books -- "A Christmas
Carol;" the second, "The Chimes," in 1845; and the third, "The Cricket on the Hearth," in 1846.
To this catalogue can be added the title of many a charming holiday volume, wholly or in part
from Mr. Dickens' pen. It has been pleasantly said that Christmas in England owes most of its
cheer and kindly usage to Charles Dickens that it is his good heart which beats in England's
bosom at Christmas time.
"Household Words" and "All the Year Round."
In 1847-8 Mr. Dickens published "Dombey and Son;" in 1849-50, "David Copperfield;"
"Bleak House" in 1853; "Hard Times" in 1854; nnd "Little Dorrit" in 1856.
In 1850 Mr. Dickens started
Household Words, a weekly miscellany of popular literature,
which he conducted until 1859, when, in consequence of a misunderstanding that had
arisen between him and his publishers, he discontinued the journal, and in its place
All the Year Round, which he continued to edit to the time of his death. In
Words first appeared his "Child's History of England," republished separately in 1852, and
his story of "Hard Times." In
All the Year Round first appeared "A Tale of Two Cities,"
"The Uncommercial Papers," and "Great Expectations."
His Latest Works.
In 1864 Mr. Dickens published "Our Mutual Friend" in serial form, but after that wrote
nothing except brief sketches or occasional essays for his journal, until the appearance,
about two months ago, of the first instalment of "The Mystery of Edwin Drood."
His Second Visit to the United States
was of such comparatively recent occurrence that but little need be said concerning it. He
landed at Boston on November 19, 1867, having been preceded by some months by Mr. George
Dolby, his advance agent, who made all the necessary arrangements for the reading tour
upon which he was to enter. He had attained a high reputation as a reader of his own works in
England, and this circumstance, taken in connection with his great popularity, created an
unparalleled furore in all the American cities which he was destined to visit. So great,
indeed, was the demand for tickets, that the adventurous speculators rushed
in between him and the public, and the manner in which the tickets were disposed of,
aud the extortionate premiums frequently paid, created not a little scandal and sadly marred
the success of his visit.
His first reading in the United States was given in Boston, at the Tremont Temple, on the
evening of December 2; on December 9, he made his first appearance in
New York, at Steinway Hall, and on January 13, 1868, he appeared for the first time before a
Philadelphia audience, at Concert Hall. His tour was extended only to Baltimore and Washington,
in addition to the cities above named, all proffers for a visit to Chicago and other
Western cities being steadily refused, and in the summer of 1808 he returned to England.
His Farewell of the Public.
After his return home he continued to give readings in different parts of England, but on
the evening of March 10th last he brought to a close at St. James Hall, In London, the memorable
series of readings which had for fifteen years proved to audiences unexampled in numbers,
a source of the highest Intellectual enjoyment. In the remarks which he made on this
occasion he said in conclusion: --
"I have thought it well, at the fall flood-tide of your favor, to retire upon those older associations
between us, which date from much further back than these, and henceforth to devote myself exclusively
to the art that first brought us together, (Great applause.) Ladies and gentlemen, in but two
short weeks from this time, I hope that you may enter, in your own houses, on a new 'Series of Readings,'
at which my assistance will be indispensable; but from from these garish lights I vanish now for
evermore. with a heartfelt, grateful, respectful, and affectionate farewell."
His Domestic Relations.
In 1858 Mr. Dickens separated from his wife amicably, after having lived with her for twenty
years, several children being the fruits of the marriage. Great scandal, of course, was attached
to this event, but Mr. Dickens has himself explained that the cause which led to it was an
uncongeniality of temper, which implied no dishonor to either party.
For some years before his death he resided at Gad's Hill, Kent, about an hour's ride by rail
way from London, on the road to the beautiful old cathedral town of Canterbury, celebrated
for its historical associations, and for being the metropolitan see of all England. The house is
described as being one of those comfortable old fashioned mansions which seem to have taken
root nowhere but in the most picturesque parts of rural England, and are the brick and mortar
embodiment of the idea of home.
A Review of Mr. Dickens' Literary Career.
It is scarcely possible now to make a perfectly just and critical estimate of the genius of
Mr. Dickens, or to prejudge the verdict of posterity. The crucial test of time, and tho calm
judgment of another generation that will know the man merely as one among the illustrious
concourse that have made the fame of English literature, will determine the artistic value of
his labors and his proper place in the role of honor that is headed by the names of Shakespeare
and Milton. Whatever posterity may think of Mr. Dickens, however, it is undeniable that he was
a power in his own day, and no fiction-writer that has ever lived has ever exerted
the same influence or produced the same decisive results in promoting
the reform of abuses, or in exciting a sympathy for the poor and oppressed. It is a question
whether the principal end and aim of true art should be the reform of social and political
abuses, and upon this to a great extent depends the probability of the works of Mr. Dickens
maintaining the same hold upon the public of a hundred years hence that they do upon that of
the present day. It is certain that many abuses can be attacked successfully in a work of fiction
that it would be impossible to reach in any other way, and the endeavors of Mr. Dickens to carry
out important measures of reform by means of his novels are entitled to receive, as they have
received, a most cordial recognition. It is the fate of such works, however, to be more or less
ephemeral; and looking at the matter from an artistic standpoint and
it is only from such a standpoint that the real value of a work of art can bo determined we
cannot but think that Mr. Dickens' writings are too much of the time and for the time to secure
for them that lasting favor that is accorded to the works of men who were distinctively artists.
Thackeray has been frequently alluded to as a disciple of Fielding, but in reality Dickens,
much more than his distinguished contemporary, was the legitimate successor of Fielding and
Smollett, and his writings, like theirs, will probably in future years rather engage the
attention of the students of literature than that of general readers. The life described by Fielding
and Smollett was something remote from that of our days, and it had but little in it that we,
especially we of the New World, can heartily sympathize with. As clearly drawn pictures
of a certain development of civilization and certain conditions of society, the works of the
novelists named will always have a certain value that will give them a place in literature; and so
will those of Mr. Dickens, for the same reason.
Mr. Dickens has just died, having scarcely
passed middle age, and yet the people and the society that he sketched with such humor and
power in his earlier efforts is almost as remote and strange as that which engaged the attention
of Fielding and Smollett. It is this impression of remoteness that the early writings of Dickens
leave upon the readers of this day that gives force to the thought that succeeding
years will scarcely add to his fame, and that another generation will be unable to understand
the enormous popularity he enjoyed with the people of to-day.
In referring to Mr. Dickens as a novelist of the school of Fielding and Smollett, we of course
do not mean to intimate that he was in any respect a copyist of those writers. Indeed, it was
the marked originality of his genius that made his first literary efforts so enormously popular,
and that gave him the leading position among the English fiction-writers of the age that he held
without dispute to the day of his death. His first sketches of life and character published under
the nom de plume of "Boz," and afterwards his "Pickwick," made their mark instantly, because
they were fresh and original, and because they revealed a new vein of rich and racy humor.
The public were beginning to tire of the fashionable novels of high life, and the humorously
exaggerated descriptions of low life and the respectable middle class society hit
their fancy exactly. It has repeatedly been remarked that no writer since Shakespeare has
created so many characters that appear like living men and women, as Dickens. There is
this important difference, however, between the two writers: Shakespeare was above all things
an artist. He had no other end in view than to produce perfect works of art; and while his
characters are all intellectual analyses, those of Mr. Dickens are merely described by the
grotesque exaggeration of their outward appearance, their physical defects, their clothing, and
their bodily habits. It is scarcely necessary to point out that this distinction makes all the
difference in the world with regard to the art value of the work performed by the two writers, and
no one capable of expressing an opinion on the subject would ever think of placing Dickens by
the side of Shakespeare as a creative artist.
When "Pickwick" made a hit Mr. Dickens found the way to fame and fortune open to him,
and he marked out a line of work that he adhered to resolutely during the rest of his career.
"Pickwick" was quickly followed by "Oliver Twist," "Nicholas Nickelby," "The Old Curiosity
Shop." and "Barnaby Rudge," all of which brought him both wealth and honor, and extended
his fame on both sides of the Atlantic. The immense circulation that his writings enjoyed
in the United Slates made the lack of an international copyright law appear very much
in the light of a personal and special grievance. He therefore determined to visit this country
for the double purpose of seeing the people and of proving the justice of the claims of British
authors. It is not to be denied that a great many people in the United States made consummate
fools of themselves in their efforts to be hospitable on this occasion, and there were
grotesque features in the various receptions given lo Mr. Dickens that at this day appear
excessively comical. However absurd were the attentions paid, there was a sincerity and
genuine heartiness about the welcome extended to Mr. Dickens that a man of really fine feelings
could scarcely have failed to appreciate at its real value in spite of the absurdities that
surrounded it.
As the adulations bestowed upon him had been fulsome, the indignation was over
powering when it was found that this overwelcomed guest turned the whole thing into
ridicule as soon as he had reached home, and that both in his "American Notes" and in his
novel of "Martin Chuzzlewit" he had little else but abuse and sarcasm to bestow upon either the
country or the people. Of late there has been an attempt to condone Mr. Dickens' offense on
this occasion, and to take all the blame for the unfortunate misunderstanding upon ourselves.
We cannot look upon the matter in this light, and no candid reader of "The American Notes"
or "Martin Chuzzlewit can say that they are not malicious and intentionally insulting. The real offense of Mr. Dickens was not that he freely criticized what he thought
wrong in the manners of the people of the United States or their institutions,
but that from the first time of his landing upon these shores he was in a bad humor with
himself and with everybody about him, and he was unable consequently to see any good thing. He
must have seen plenty of opportunities for good-natured caricature and humorous description;
but throughout the whole of the "American Notes" there is only one example, so far as we
can recollect, of a humorous character that he seemed to appreciate, and that is the "Brown
Forester" that he met on a canal-boat in this State, and even the "Brown Forester" he seems
to have considered as more of a personal grievance than as a subject for artistic treatment,
The rough-and-ready style of travelling that was characteristic of the old canal packets did
not suit him at all, and he seemed to think that it had been invented especially for his personal
annoyance; and yet any person who has ever travelled in one of these boats would imagine
that a humorous writer of all others would have endured all the inconveniences for the
sake of racy and original specimens of American men and women with whom he would be thrown
in contact. Mr. Dickens did not like the railroads any better than the canals, and when a
writer represents himself as looking out of a car window, and mistaking the spittle ejected by
independent American citizens for thick flying bits of cotton, it is evident
that his statements of fact and opinion are scarcely entitled to respectful
consideration. In writing as he did about this country, Mr. Dickens proved that he was lacking
in the finer gentlemanly instincts, and that, so far from taking a manly and independent
view of things, he was content to follow in the wake of other British snobs who find a cheap
sort of popularity at home by abusing a people, institutions, and manners that they
cannot and do not care to understand. After "Martin Chuzzlewit" came
his "Christmas Stories," "Dombey and Son," and "David Copperfield," in which his genius
reached its climax. Mr. Dickens himself acknowledges this work to be his masterpiece, and
his own opinion is supported by that of a majority of his readers. In the works that
succeeded "David Copperfield" there is a gradual but visible decline, until in his latest efforts a
noticeable falling off of the old power is observable. It is true that these
later works are all distinctly marked by the characteristics of his genius,
but the humor is often forced, the sentiment more mawkish than ever, and there is a tendency
to prosiness that distinctly indicates the failing artist. Let any one read "Oliver Twist,"
"Dombey and Son," and "David Copperfield," and then attempt "Great Expectations" and
"Our Mutual Friend," and the immense difference will be apparent at once. His last novel,
"The Mystery of Edwin Drood," has not sufficiently advanced to form, a just opinion
of it, but the opening chapter shows more of the old fire than any of
his other recent efforts. It is sincerely to be hoped that the death of the author has not left
this story a mere fragment like the "Denis Duval" of Thackeray, but that ere he was called
away he finished it, and rounded off his life's labors with a last work that will be worthy to
be placed beside those that have for so long delighted millions of readers.
If Mr. Dickens had not taken up authorship as a profession, he would probably have made
one of the first histrionic artists of the day. His talents as an actor were undoubtedly of the
first order, and those who had heard of his performances in private hailed with delight the
announcement of his intention to give public readings from his own works. These readings
were immensely successful in England, and the recent professional tour of Mr. Dickens in this
country is still fresh In the minds of the public. Merely as an elocutionist he had many palpable
faults, but for humorous and pathetic expressions in his reading, and for a power of representing
the various characters introduced in the stories selected for his entertainments, he surpassed
any reader of the present day. These readings were a source of genuine delight
to thousands, as they not only gave the public an opportunity to
see the great writer who had afforded them so many pleasant hours, but conferred the unique
pleasure of hearing the most original and racy humorist of the day embody his own creations.
In making a summary estimate of the genius and labors of Mr. Dickens it seems to us that
his highest and lowest moral influences arise from the same cause, his wonderful genius for
caricature. All vices arising from
simple motives he makes contemptible and hideous avarice,
cruelty, selfishness, hypocrisy, especially religious hypocrisy. But then he has a great tendency
to make the corresponding virtues ludicrous too by his over-colored sentiment. The
brothers Cheeryble always seem to be rubbing their hands from intense brotherly love; the
self-abandonment of Tom Pinch is grotesque; the elaborate self-disguise of Mr. Boffin as a miser,
in order to warn Bella Wilfer of her danger, is an insult to both the reason and conscience of
the reader; and Mr. Dickens' saints, like that Agnes in "David Copperfield" who insists on
pointing upwards, are invariably detestable. His morality concentrates itself on the two
strong points we have named, a profound horror of cruelty and a profound contempt for
humbug; but Mr. Dickens has no fine perception for the inward shades of humbug relaxed
and cosseted emotions.
His greatest service to English literature will, after all, be not his high morality, which is
altogether wanting in delicacy of insight, but in the complete harmlessness and purity of the
immeasurable humor into which he moulds his enormous stores of acute observation. Almost
all creative humorists tend to the impure like Swift and Smollett, even Fielding. On the
other hand, there are plenty of humorists who are not creative, who take the humor out of
themselves and only apply it to what passes, like Charles Lamb and Sydney Smith. But
Dickens uses his unlimited powers of observation to create for himself original fields of
humor, and crowds grotesque and elaborate detail around the most happy conceptions, without
ever being attracted for a moment towards any prurient or unhealthy field of laughter. Thus,
as by far the most popular and amusing of all English writers, he provides unlimited food for
a great people without infusing any really dangerous poison into it. In this way, doubtless,
he has done a service which can scarcely be overestimated.
Cable Despatches.
Late and Fuller Particulars.
Mr. Dickens is Seized with His
Fatal Illness at Dinner on Wednesday,
and Dies on Thursday Evening -- Profound
Expressions of Grief
in the English
London, June 9 -- 10 P. M. The London
Globe, in its last edition this evening, startled
the community with the announcement that Charles Dickens had been seized with paralysis,
and was lying insensible at his residence, at Gadshill, near Rochester, in Kent.
The news spread rapidly and created the most profound regret; but the worst was still
to come. Telegrams have since been received announcing the death of the great novelist at
quarter past 6 this evening.
Dickens was at a dinner on Wednesday, when he was seized with the fit. Dr. Steel, of the
village of Stroud, who was for many years the family physician of Mr. Dickens, was
immediately called in, and remained till nearly midnight.
The condition of the patient becoming worse and worse it was deemed advisable to summon
physicians from London. Telegrams were promptly despatched, and this morning several
London physicians arrived at Gadshill. A consultation was held, and the case at once
pronounced hopeless. The patient sank gradually, and died at fifteen minutes past 6 o'clock
this evening.
Mr. Dickens has been ill for several days, but not seriously. He had even visited Rochester
and other points during the present week.
Remarks of the London Journals.
London, June 10. -- The death of Dickens has plunged the nation into mourning. All the
London papers have obituary articles this morning.
Times says: "Ordinary expressions of regret are now cold and conventional. Millions
of people feel a personal bereavement. Statesmen, savants, and benefactors of a race, when
they die, can leave no such void. They cannot, like this great novelist, be an inmate of every
Daily News says: "Without intellectual pedigree, his writings form an era in English
literature. He was generous, loving, and universally beloved. He leaves, like Thackeray,
an unfinished story."
Morning Post says: "Charles Dickens did more than any contemporary to make English
literature loved and admired."
Telegraph regards the distinguished dead as a public servant whose task was nobly