Friday, July 31, 2020

COVID-19, Church, Baseball and Martial Law -- July 31, 2020

COVID-19 is making a comeback.  San Mateo goes back on the California watch list tonight.  It is raging in Florida and Texas. A news report said one American is dying every minute from COVID-19.  Some people still insist it is a hoax instigated by the Democratic Party.

My wife and daughter don't know if school will start in the classroom or as a Zoom meeting.

Last Saturday we went to mass at Good Shepherd in Pacifica for the first time since shelter at home started. Father Lu left as pastor earlier in July. Our new pastor is Father Charito Suan. He gave a nice homily. This week the parish is cutting back to one mass per weekend, at 11am on Sunday, with communion at 12:30pm.

Baseball has started up again. The Giants are 4-4.  New manager Gabe Kapler is doing a lot of mixing and matching.  One of his coaches, Alyssa Nakken is the first woman to coach a major league team.  Last night we got to see extra innings begin with a runner on second.  It did not go well for the Giants.  People are hitting a lot of home runs, perhaps because the viewing area under the right field pavilion is blocked.

Our so-called president has been sending Federal agents dressed in camouflage uniforms with no identification to provoke trouble during protests in Portland, Oregon.  They have snatched people off the street into unmarked vehicles.  He is threatening to occupy other cities like Oakland.  

The Home Run King -- July 31, 2020

Connecticut Labor Press, 10-July-1920
Babe Ruth hit for power and Ty Cobb  hit for average. 

Thursday, July 30, 2020

David Sanborn 75 -- July 30, 2020
Saxophonist David Sanborn was born 75 years ago today, on 30-July-1945. He played in the horn section at Woodstock. I have heard his name and his music on many different radio stations.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Monday, July 27, 2020

Celebration of the Fourth of July at Leese's House -- July 27, 2020

The Annals of San Francisco by Frank Soulé, John H. Gihon, James Nisbet. 1855.
The Annals of San Francisco by Frank Soulé, John H. Gihon and James Nisbet, published in 1855, was one of the first histories of San Francisco. William Richardson was a British sailor who jumped ship in San Francisco Bay and founded the village of Yerba Buena in 1834. American merchant Jacob P Leese arrived in 1835. General Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo was an important person in Alta California. Colonel Mariano Chico was governor of Alta California for about four months in 1836. A California vara was about 33 inches. San Francisco is mostly divided into 50-vara lots. 

In May, 1836, Mr. Jacob Primer Leese arrived in the Cove of Yerba Buena, with the intention of establishing a mercantile business at San Francisco , in partnership with Mr. Nathan Spear and Mr. W. S. Hinckley, who were to remain at Monterey, and manage the business of the firm there. Mr. Leese brought letters from the then governor of California, Don Mariano Chico, to the alcalde and commandante of San Francisco, desiring them to render him all assistance in their power in arranging a location and otherwise. Mr. Leese at once fixed on the beach of Yerba Buena Cove for his establishment, but as the ordinance of General Figueroa, concerning the government reserve, was still in force, he could not procure an allotment nearer the beach than at the distance of two hundred varas. The alcalde and commandante were much pleased that Mr. Leese should come to settle among their people, and at once offered him a choice of two locations, one being at the mouth of Mission Creek, and the other at the entrance to the bay near the presidio. Mr. Leese, however, had made up his mind on the subject ; and, partly for his own business convenience, and probably, in part, foreseeing the increased future value of sites around Yerba Buena Cove, would accept no grant but one in that quarter. In this the local authorities could not legally aid him ; so Mr. Leese returned forthwith to Monterey with his story and complaint to Governor Chico. On explanations there, the governor informed Mr. Leese that he would instruct the alcalde of San Francisco to grant an allotment within the limits of the government reserve, and in the mean time authorized Mr. Leese to select for himself the most convenient place he could find elsewhere.

Back to Yerba Buena Cove hastened Mr. Leese, and on the first of July presented to the alcalde his new letters. On the following day he landed boards and other materials for building, and immediately took possession of a one-hundred vara lot, adjoining on the south side that on which Captain Richardson's tent was already erected. Mr. Leese's lot was situated about two hundred or two hundred and fifty yards from the beach, and is the spot where the St. Francis Hotel was subsequently erected, at the corner of Clay and Dupont streets. Mr. Leese was indefatigable in hastening the erection of his dwelling, which was finished by ten o'clock on the morning of the 4th of July -- the first glorious fourth -- when the independence of America was commemorated in style in California. These two houses, belonging to Capt. Richardson and Mr. Leese , were the earliest, houses erected in Yerba Buena, and formed the beginning of the City of San Francisco. It is but eighteen years since their erection, and now there is a population of over fifty thousand around the spot !

While Mr. Leese was erecting his mansion, which seems to have been rather a grand structure, being made of frame, sixty feet long and twenty - five feet broad , Captain Richardson was kindly proceeding across the bay to Sonoma, where he invited all the principal folks of the quarter to a banquet in the new building. Two events -- each great in their way -- were to be celebrated : first, Independence Day, and next, the arrival of Mr. Leese in the country, his welcome and house-warming. The two worthy souls, cordially fraternizing, were determined to make a great affair of it ; and so indeed it happened. As it was the first grand scene in the future San Francisco, where there have since been so many, we are tempted to dwell a little on the eventful occasion . Future generations will pleasantly reflect on this auspicious commencement to the pride of the Pacific, then like a new-born infant cradled by its tender parents, Capt. Richardson and Mr. Leese, and tricked out in all the magnificence of an heir's baby clothes.

At this time there was lying in the cove the American barque "Don Quixote," commanded by Mr. Leese's partner, Capt. Hinckley, and on board of which were their goods. There were also at anchor in the port another American ship and a Mexican brig. These vessels supplied every bit of colored bunting they could furnish, with which was decorated Mr. Leese's hall. A splendid display was the result. Outside of the building floated amicably the Mexican and American flags -- the first time the latter was displayed on the shore of Yerba Buena. Captain Hinckley seems to have been somewhat extravagant in his passion for sweet sounds, since he always travelled with a band of music in his train . Through this cause the most stylish orchestra, perhaps, ever before heard in California , was provided by him. This consisted of a clarionet, flute, violin, drum, fife and bugle ; besides two small six pounders to form the bass, and to add their emphatic roar to the swelling din , when a toast of more than usual importance should be given. These last, however, were borrowed from the presidio.

The feast was prepared ; the minstrels were met ; and the guests began to assemble about three o'clock on the afternoon of the Fourth. They were about sixty in number, and included General M. G. Vallejo and all the principal families from the neighborhood of Sonoma, such as the Castro, Martinez, etc., as well as the chief inhabitants of San Francisco. Besides the banqueting hall, Mr. Leese had erected a number of small tents in which to receive his numerous guests and provide for them comfortably. At five o'clock dinner was served, and immediately afterwards followed the toasts. First of all was given the union of the Mexican and American flags. (How little did the convivial parties then dream of the near advent of the sole and absolute sway of the Americans in the country !) General Vallejo next paid the honors to Washington. Then followed appropriate national and individual toasts in their order ; but which it is needless to particularize. The guests were as happy as mortals could well be ; and, in short, " all went merry as a marriage bell." The abundance and variety of liquors at table seemed to tickle the Californians amazingly. One worthy gentleman took a prodigious fancy to lemon syrup, a tumbler full of which he would quaff to every toast. This soon made him sick, and sent him off with a colic ; which was all matter of mirth to his " jolly companions, every one." At ten o'clock our " city fathers " got the table cleared for further action, and dancing and other amusements then commenced. The ball was kept hot and rolling incessantly, all that night, and it appears, too, the following day ; for, as Mr. Leese naively observes, in his interesting and amusing diary, " our fourth ended on the evening of the fifth. " Many of the simple-minded Indians and such lower class white people as were not invited, had gathered around while the festivities and sports were going on among the people of quality, and could not contain themselves for joy , but continually exclaimed , " Que buenos son los Americanos! " -- What capital fellows these Americans are ! And doubtless the white gentry thought, and often said the same.

But let a Yankee alone for knowing his own interest in spending money lavishly ! In a few days afterwards, Mr. Leese had concluded the landing of his twelve thousand dollars worth of goods, when he opened his store for business. The grateful guests, and all the people around, at once flocked to purchase ; and trade, he says, became quite brisk, at most satisfactory prices.

Shortly after this event, Mr. Leese, upon a hasty courtship or rather, for he seems to have had no time to wait, and California was beginning to shake off her lethargy and be a go-ahead country ; in fact, none beyond " popping the question," in smart business fashion, on the 1st of April, 1837 (ominous day for such a deed !) - - was married to a sister of General Vallejo. On the 7th of the same month they were tied together, for life, by the " holy bands of matrimony ; " and from this union, on the 15th of April, 1838, sprung their eldest child - ROSALIE LEESE - being the first born in Yerba Buena.

In this year, Mr. Leese erected a large frame building on the beach, with consent of the alcalde, the latter observing that the governor had informed him he was going to lay out a few town lots. He therefore permitted Mr. Leese, in order to forward his plans, to take a one-hundred vara lot provisionally where he wished. The present banking-house of Mr. James King of William , at the corner of Commercial and Montgomery streets, and which is situated in what may be called the centre of San Francisco, occupies the site of Mr. Leese's frame building on the beach of Yerba Buena Cove. In this year also , Captain Richardson erected an adobe building on the same lot he had always occupied, and which has been already noticed. This adobe building, one-and a half stories high, was the old " Casa Grande" which stood on the west side of Dupont-street, between Washington and Clay streets, and was taken down in 1852. About this time, some native Californians and a few visitors of foreign extraction, chiefly American, began to settle in the rising town. The arrivals of ships likewise were gradually increasing.

The Annals of San Francisco by Frank Soulé, John H. Gihon, James Nisbet. 1855.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Freddy Cole and Annie Ross, RIP -- July 23, 2020

Pianist and singer Freddy Cole, brother of Nat King Cole, died last month.  I always enjoyed it when KCSM or KJAZ would play one of this new recordings.

Singer Annie Ross has died.  She was one of the pioneers of vocalese.  I like Lambert, Hendricks and Ross.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

One "Whom Gods Love" -- July 21, 2020

Motion Picture News, 31-July-1920
Metro, which was making a film based on his short story "Head and Shoulders," gave a brief biography of author F Scott Fitzgerald.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

The War in Europe -- July 19, 2020

Philadelphia Evening Telegram, 19-July-1870
150 years ago today, on 19-July-1870, Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, declared war against the North German Confederation, led by the Kingdom of Prussia under King Wilhelm I. 


The Scene of Operations.
Saarbruck and Saarlouis.
The Opposing Navies
Their Relative Strength.
Prussia's Coast Defenses.
Maritime Seizures.
The Law Affecting Them.
Our Commercial Interests.
How They will be Affected.
Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc.

The Prussian Strongholds on the Rhine.

The latest cable telegrams at this writing speak of the Prussian forces having occupied at noon yesterday Saarbruck in Rhenish Prussia, and Henberg in Rhenish Bavaria, two towns directly on the frontier; and also of a report that the French troops had commenced the bombardment of the town of Saarlouis.


is situated forty miles S. S. E. of Treves, and three miles from the French border, on the river Saar, a stream rising in the Vosges Mountains and joining the Moselle near Treves. The Saar is crossed by a stone bridge at the town, by which it is connected with its suburb St. Johann. The population is about 9000. The town was founded in the tenth century, was given by the Emperor Henry III to the Church of Metz, and subseqnently governed by its own counts until 1380, when it came by marriage into the family of Nassau. It was afterwards fortified and suffered much during the wars which have been waged in its neighborhood. In 1676 it was almost entirely destroyed by fire, and its fortifications dismantled, so that at the present time it is of no stragetic importance.


however, which is also situated on the River Saar, but 30 miles S. S. E. of Treves, and five miles from the frontier, although it has a population of only about 4500, is of greater importance. The town was founded by Louis XIV, and was strongly fortified by Vauban. It belonged to France until 1815, when it passed under Prussian control, and has since formed an important border stronghold of that power. In fact, it is the only well-advanced Prussian fortress for the defense of the Rhine immediately on the frontier. Saarlouis, as well as Saarbruck, is connected by excellent roads with Metz, Neves, Mayence, Manheim, and Landau. These roads afford an excellent opportunity for the rapid movements of troops, but the fortlfications are inadequate for the requirements of an advanced post to hold the enemy in check, while the army is being brought forward, or to serve as the base of operations against Metz, Thionville, Verdun, and Paris. Last year it was proposed to build several single forts in the most important passes of this district, but it is impossible to say how far these proposed defenses have progressed.


In Rhenish Bavaria, is a small village on the Rhine, some fifteen miles southeast of Landau and less than ten miles from the French fortified city of Lauterburg. It is also within easy distance of Carlsruhe. Here a Prussian force is also reported to be stationed, but the place has no strategical importance whatever.


where the soldiers of Baden are concentrating, is one of the strongholds of South Germany, although the town itself is quite insignificant, the population hardly exoeedlng 6000. Its fortifications are of immense strength. Rastadt is situated in Baden, on the right bank of the Rhine, fourteen miles south-southwest of Carlsruhe, and is on the Basle and Manheim Railroad. It is about ten mile southeast of Lauterburg and thirty miles northeast of Strasburg, but has no direct road uniting it with either place. The present fortifications of Rastadt were commenced in 1641. In 1849 the garrison mutinied and the town had the honor of being the last place held by the German republican revolutionists. Under the leadership of Mieroslawskl, it held out for a time against the forces commanded by the Prince of Prussia, but finally surrendered. Since then its fortifications have been vigorously pushed forward and are now exceedingly strong.


where another Prussian force is reported, is in Hesse-Darmstadt, on the railroad running from Frankfort northward through Giessen, between which places it is situated. The village is at least forty miles from the nearest point on the right bank of the Rhine.


The Marine Defenses of the North German Confederation

In the EVENING TELEGRAPH of July 13 we gave an elaborate statement of the armies and navies of France and the North German Confederation, showing at a glance the vastly superior strength of France upon the sea. The following summary of the navies of the two countries will show how great is the disparity:--

The French Navy.

At the commencement of the present year France had a fleet of 62 iron-clads, 264 unarmored screw steamers, 62 paddle steamers, and 113 sailing vessels. The following shows the strength of this formidable navy:--

Class.No.Horse Power.Guns.
Screw steamers26455,8121,547
Paddle steamers628,655154
Sailing vessels113...672

The French navy is commanded by 2218 officers of different grades. The sailors, afloat and on shore, numbered 39,846 in 1869, which, together with engineers, dockyard laborers, navy surgeons, and others connected with the force, bring the grand total of men engaged in the service of the Imperial fleet up to 74,403. On the war-footing the strength of the navy can be raised to 170,000 men, this being the number entered on the lists of the maritime conscription. Exclusive of the above are the marines and the colonial troops, amounting to 28,623 men.

The Prussian Navy.

Since the organization of the North German Confederation in 1866, the most strenuous exertions have been made to place the navy on a substantial basis, and great progress has been made. At the commencement of the Regency of King William I, in 1858, the Prussian navy consisted of 1 decked corvette, with 28 guns; 1 level decked corvette, with 12 guns; 1 yacht, 1 garrison ship, 2 old sailing frigates, 1 sailing corvette, 2 schooners, 1 transport ship, and 38 gunboats, etc., propelled by oars. On the docks lay the Gazelle, a vessel of 28 guns. The North German fleet now consists of the following:--

Iron-clad screw steamers75,150102
Frigates and corvettes93,200200
Sailing vessels59...247

The Prussian and North German navy is manned by about 3500 seamen and boys, and officered by one admiral, one vice-admiral, one rear-admiral, 27 captains, 44 conmanders, and 133 lieutenants. There are besides five companies of marines, four of Infantry, and three of artillery, numbering 1200 men.

The comparison between the two fleets shows the following:--

...France.North Germany

This comparison shows that King William's fleet is by no means able to cope with that of his antagonist, and will be placed throughout the war entirely on the defensive. Frequent rumors have, indeed, already reached us to the effect that the French navy was amusing itself by chasing the German navy towards the Baltic; but, although there have probably been no important naval movements as yet, they will not long be postponed. In view of the inability of Prussia to cope with her antagonist on the sea, it becomes important to know something about the land fortifications which she is able to oppose to Napoleon's overwhelming navy. We therefore present the following concerning her maritime defenses:--

Prussian Fortresses and Naval Stations.

The princinal naval station of the North German Confederation, as far as ship-building and the training of sailors are concerned, is


which was formerly the chief seaport of Denmark. At this town, which is in the Schleswig-Holstein portion of Denmark, is the great naval school situated. This arm of the Prussian service has risen into great popularity. There are now 400 marine cadets against 72 that were there two years ago. Of those 72, 59 have become naval officers. Kiel, which was the capital of the duchy, is situated on the Kielerlford, a fine harbor of the Baltic. The population is about 17,000. It is a handsome walled town, contains the Gluckburg palace, four churches, and a university, founded In 1665, with an observatory, a library of 8000 volumes, a botanic garden, and 300 students. It has been considered the only great naval harbor on the south side of the Baltic. It is the terminus of the Holsteln Canal, which connects the Baltic with the German Ocean, it is connected by steamers with all the principal ports of tne Baltic. since the construction of the railroad, Kiel has flourished at the expense of Lubeck. A treaty of peace was concluded at Kiel In 1814 between England, Sweden, and Denmark. The city was blockaded in 1849, and occupied by Austrian troops In 1851-52.


Dantzic, the capital of an administrative division of the province of West Prussia of the same name, is a large and ancient city. In 1855 it had a population of 63,461, besides 8800 soldiers. It has long been an important fortress, but has been recently much strengthened by the Bund. It is situated on the left bank of the Vistula, about three and a half miles from the mouth, with a circumference, including its nine suburbs, or more than twelve miles. The principal buildings are three citadels, the Church of St. Mary, one of the largest In Europe, the Cathernian Kirche, the council house, the government building, the old armory, the exchange, and 175 granaries and workshops on the Speicher (Granary) Island, where no dwelling-house ts allowed, where no fire must be kindled, and where at night all streets are closed except one. There are thirteen Protestant and six Catholic churches, a Mennonite Church, and five synagogues. The city abounds with learned, charitable, and artistic institutions, and is celebrated for its monuments and antiquities. The harbor was excellent up to 1829 and 1830, when the Vistula broke above the city, througn the high ridge of the Downs, and formed a new outlet, reducing the depth of the old branch, so that a new port, Newfahwosser, had to be built at the mouth, which is defended by two forts. The commerce of Dantzic was at an earlier period far more important than since the partition of Poland, when the prohibitory tariff of Russia, the Sound dues, the sufferings from the Napoleonic wars, the ascendancy of Hamburg, Bremen, and Stettin, made it decline, but the last twenty years have given it a new impetus. The great staples are Polish and Prussian grain, in exports it Is the first Prussian port ; in imports, the second after Swinemunde. Ship-building has always been extensively carried on there. In I860 the tonnage of the vessels owned there was 75,000. Manufactures are gaining ground there. The Eastern Prussian Railway connects Dantzic with Berlin, Konigsberg, and a branch road with Posen, and new railroads are being built. In 1310 it fell under the sway of the order of Teutonic Knights, and became a German city, in the midst of a Polish population, and up to this day is not perfectly Germanized. In 1454 it subjected itself to the King of Poland, for the purpose of securing from him commercial privileges, became a free city with some verv rich territory, and fell under the dominion of Prussia in 1793, after a struggle or six days. The siege by Lefevre in 1807, after which it became a so-called free city under Napoleonic protection, with a strong French garrison: the frightful siege In 1813 and 1814 (when General Rapp made a famous defense of twelve months against the Prussians and Russians, and the city was half destroyed and the population half starved) ; and the French war contributions and continental system gave a severe blow to the prosperity of Dantzic, from which, however, it has since recovered, especially within the last few years, by the improvements in the river, by being made a naval station, and, above all, by railway communications.


Alsen is a fortified place on the island of Alsen which is situated in the Little Belt, and is about twenty miles long and eight wide, is very fertile, and one of tne most beautiful islands in tne Baltic. The fortifications at Hoerup Haaf will be very formidable. They will comprise three star-shaped forts, with double tiers of guns and five coast batteries commanding the passage of the Little Belt. All these will be iron-faced and armed with the heaviest ordnance, and will not only command the Strait, but also the canal of Bisensund with the port, and maintain communication with the military depot of Sonderberg, tne capital of the island of Alsen. Then there is the formidable position of Duppel, whicn aids Prusaia greatly in controlling the North Sea, the Baltic, and the Straits.


Stralsund, now, of course, every day changing under the vigorous hand of Bismarck into a great naval statlon, has long been a strongly fortified seaport of Prussia In Pomerania. It is the capital of the administratlve station ot the same name, and is situated on the strait which separates the island of Rugen from the mainland. It is 120 miles north of Berlin, and has a population of 20,000. The site of the town is so completely surrounded by water that it can only be approached by bridges which connect it with its three suburbs on the mainland. Though the town has a gloomy appearance, it Is clean and well paved. The principle churches are those of St. Nicholas and St. Mary, the former dating from the thirteenth, the latter Irom the fourteenth century. They are both fine specimens of the pointed style of architecture, and have many valuable paintings. The town hall contains a public library, and the gymnasium has both a museum and library. Ship-building is carried on, and there is an active trade. The harbor is large, and shoals prevent vessels drawing more than fifteen feet of water from entering it. Stralsund was built by Jaromar, first prince of Rugen, about the year 1209, and soon rose to be a place of importance, and become a member of the Hanseatic League. It successfully resisted Wallenstein, who besieged it In 1628, and lost 12,000 men before its walls. The Swedes gained possession of it by the peace of Westphalia, and Frederic William, Elector of Brandenbnrg, captured it from them in 1768. but restored it the following year. Stralsund surrendered to the Prussian, Danish, and Saxon forces in 1715, but was given back to Sweden in 1720. It was surrendered to the French in 1807, who destroyed a great part of the fortifications ; and by the treaty of Kiel in 1810 It was ceded to Denmark. In 1816 Denmark surrendered it to Prussia.


The Law of Nations as It Stands at Present --
Provisions of the Treaty of 1866 -- Neutral
Goods and Privateering.

In view of the possible operations of the French and North German fleets, the present state of international law on the subject of maritime seizures becomes of interest and importance not only to the belligerents, but to neutral nations, and especially to the United States, whose commerce is just recovering from the disastrous results of the recent Rebellion. Maritime seizures are at present regulated by the official declaration of the representatives of the great powers of Europe who participated in the treaty of Paris of March 30, 1856. The following is the declaration in respect to the capture of neutral goods under belligerent flags, and also against privateering or the granting of letters of marque and reprisal:--

Declaration respecting maritime law, signed by the Plenipotentiaries of Great Britain, Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, Sardinia, and Turkey, assembled in Congress, at Paris, April 16, 1856: the Plenipotentiaries who signed the treaty of Paris of the 30th March, 1856, assembled in conference, considering that maritime law. In time of war, has long been the subject of deplorable disputes ; that the uncertainty of the law, and of the duties in such matter, gives rise to difference of opinion between neutrals and belligerents, which may occasion serious difficulties and even conflicts; that it is consequently advantageous to establish a uniform doctrine on so important a point; that the Plenipotentiaries assembled In congress at Paris cannot better respond to the intention by which their governments are animated than by seeking to introduce into international relations fixed principles in this respect. The above-mentioned plenipotentiaries, being duly authorized, resolved to concert among themselves as to the means of attaining this object: and, having come to an agreement, have adopted the following solemn declaration:--

1. Privateering is, and remains, abolished.
2. The neutral flag covers enemy's goods, with the exception of contraband of war.
3. Neutral goods, with the exception of contraband of war, are not liable to capture under enemy's flag.
4. Blockades, in order to be binding, must be effective; that is to say, maintained by a force sufficient really to prevent access to the coast of the enemy.

The Governments of the undersigned Plenipotentiaries engage to bring the present declaration to the knowledge of the States which have not taken part in the Congress of Paris, and to invite them to accede to it. Convinced that the maxims which they now proclaim cannot but be received with gratitude by the whole world, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries doubt not that the efforts of their Governments to obtain the general adoption thereof will be crowned with full success. The present declaration is not and shall not be binding except between those powers who have acceded or shall accede to it. Done at Paris, the sixteenth of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six.


The Trade of the United States with Germany
and France -- The Damage that the War will
Inflict Upon Us.

The statistics contained in the following statements supply information which must prove of the highest interest by showing the extent to which our commerce will be interrupted if the French-German conflict continues, and the German ports are blockaded.

Our Imports from Germany.

Our imports from the States in the Zollverein, which embraces nearly all Germany, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1868, amounted to $21,569,988, and were received from the following States in the quantities given:--
Philadelphia Evening Telegram, 19-July-1870

Our Exports to Germany. 

Our exports to Germany during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1869, amounted to $39,427,403 (including gold), and appear in the official returns as having been divided as follows the ports of Bremen and Hamburg, as will be seen, being the great distributing points for all Germany:--

Philadelphia Evening Telegram, 19-July-1870
Cotton, petroleum, lard, and tobacco are the chief products we send to Germany, but as there is a large indirect trade in these and other commodities transacted through the English markets, the figures do not represent the full extent to which we find purchasers in Germany for our productions.

Our Trade with France 

is not likely to be materially interfered with by the war, unless Russia and other European powers should conclude to participate in the struggle, taking sides with North Germany. Our exports to France during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1868, amounted to $45,945,864, of which $43,386,384 were to Atlantic from France amounted to $26,921,951, of which $23,444,815 were to Atlantic and $3,477, 136 to Mediterranean ports.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

John Lewis, RIP -- July 18, 2020

I was sad to learn that Representative John Lewis, an American hero, has died. He worked with Doctor King and tried to keep the quest for civil rights alive in a generally hateful Congress. 

Friday, July 17, 2020

Chicago – New York Electric Air Line Railroad -- July 17, 2020

Minneapolis Journal, 04-November-1906
The promoters of the Chicago – New York Electric Air Line Railroad proposed to build a route more direct than the steam railroads between New York and Chicago. Electric locomotives would pull trains from terminal to terminal in 10 hours. In early 1900s usage, an Air Line was a railroad that went directly from point to point with few or no stops in between. 

Ultimately, the company built a short interurban road near Gary, Indiana.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Trinity 75 -- July 16, 1945

Manhattan, the Army and the Atomic Bomb by Vincent C Jones, 1985
Seventy-five years ago today, on 16-July-1945, the Manhattan Project conducted the first test of a nuclear bomb. The test was code-named Trinity. Project leader J Robert Oppenheimer, who was very broadly educated, chose the name as a reference to John Donne's "Batter My Heart, Three-Personed God." He later said the explosion reminded him of a line from the "Bhagavad Gita": "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

The following month, two nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan. The world has not been the same since.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Albert Bierstadt -- Indians Spear Fishing -- July 15, 2020

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
I have always enjoyed the paintings of Albert Bierstadt.  He painted "Indians Spear Fishing" in 1862. It is preserved at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Happy Bastille Day, 2020 -- July 14, 2020

Washington Evening Star, 14-July-1920
Happy Bastille Day, everyone.  Uncle Sam deploys the tricolor to recognize the closer relationship between France and the United States.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Buckminster Fuller 125, Paul Gonsalves 100 -- July 12, 2020

Independent thinker Buckminster Fuller was born 125 years ago today, on 12-July-1895. He served in the US Navy during World War One.  He built geodesic domes, the Dymaxion car, the Dymaxion house and the Dymaxion map.  He invented lots of words. He had a great smile.

Tenor saxophone player Paul Gonsalves was born 100 years ago today, on 12-July-1920. He is best remembered today for his performance with Duke Ellington at the 1956 Newport Jazz Festival. As the band played Ellington's "Diminuendo and Crescendo in Blue," Gonsalves stood up to take a solo. Ellington encouraged him to keep playing through 27 choruses. The crowd went mad and the album helped to revitalize Ellington's career.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Pulp -- Black Book Detective -- July 11, 2020
Black Book Detective featured the second pulp character called The Black Bat.  I like his wings.

He bore no relation to the first Black Bat, who was featured in Black Bat Detective Mysteries. The second Black Bat resembled the comic book character Batman. 

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Comic Book -- Superman -- July 9, 2020
After debuting in Action Comics #1 in 1938, Superman shared his time with another book, under his own name. He went on to appear in many other books. I liked Batman better.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Poor Unkil Tom Ket -- July 7, 2020

Washington Times, 04-July-1919
I love George Herriman's Krazy Kat. Click on the image to see a larger version.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Skipper is On the Watch for Cannon Crackers -- July 5, 2020

Philadelphia Evening Public Ledger, 06-July-1920
I love Fontaine Fox's The Toonerville Trolley That Meets All the Trains.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Happy Independence Day 2020-- July 4, 2020

Mad Magazine, June, 1963
Happy Fourth of July to all. 244 years ago, we declared our independence. Alfred E Newman celebrates with a firecracker.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Red Devils Return to Pacifica #14 -- July 3, 2019

Pacifica is one of the two cities on the San Francisco peninsula that allow the sale of fireworks. The booths arrived last week. This is the stand at the Pedro Point shopping center. I took the photo on 29-June-2019.

Many Pacificans agree that selling fireworks is a bad idea: We have steep, brush-covered hillsides that pose a fire danger. People use the "safe and sane" fireworks to mask the unsafe and insane variety. Not to mention my cat hates the Fourth of July.

Unfortunately, our charities claim that fireworks are the only thing they can sell that will generate enough money. That can't be true. What about drugs? Weapons? They're not thinking outside of the box.

Because of sheltering in place, I have not had an opportunity to take a photo this year. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Debbie Harry 75 -- July 1, 2020
Debbie Harry, lead singer of Blondie, was born 75 years ago today, on 01-July-1945.  I find it hard to believe. I enjoyed her work with the Jazz Passengers.

July, 2020 Version of the Cable Car Home Page -- July 1, 2020

I just put the July, 2020 version of my Cable Car Home Page on the server:

It includes some new items:
1. Picture of the Month: Birmingham Central Tramways steam engine and driving gear -- elevation. Source: Tramways: Their Construction and Working, Embracing a Comprehensive History by Daniel Kinnear Clark
2. A ten year update about the Birmingham Central Tramways Company. Includes contemporary magazine items
3. Added News update about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the planned return of Muni Metro service. Updated some pages with information about closures: San Francisco Municipal Railway, Kansas City Streetcar, Angels Flight, the Great Orme Tramway and two Cliff Lifts

Ten years ago this month (July, 2010):
1. Picture of the Month: Birmingham Central Tramways Company's single-jaw side grip.
2. On the UK page: The Birmingham Central Tramways Company, which operated cable trams until 1911
3. Also on the UK page: an 1897 article by William Newby Colam on the Conversion of Edinburgh, Leith and Portobello Horse Tramways Systems Into Cable Traction
4. On the Who page: Thanks to John Colam, a cousin, a photo and biographical information about engineer William Newby Colam, who was involved with several UK cable tramways. Also engineers Edward Pritchard and Joseph Kincaid, who designed and built the Birmingham Central Tramways Company's cable tram line.
5. Added News item about an effort to revive the Mount Beacon Incline Railway

Twenty years ago this month (July, 2000):
1. Picture of the Month: State Street, Chicago at night
2. Roll out page with excerpt from "South of the Slot" by Jack London.
3. Add State Street at night postcard to Chicago page
4. Add more information about Portland Cable Trams Inc to Melbourne page. Add thanks to Bruce McMillan for the information
5. Add link to John Smatlak's Railway Preservation Resources page
6. Add photo of Benjamin Brooks to Who page

Coming in August: On the Cable Car Lines in San Francisco page: A series of photos that were hand-colored by Charles Smallwood

The Cable Car Home Page now has a Facebook page:

Joe Thompson
The Cable Car Home Page (updated 01-July-2020)
San Francisco Bay Ferryboats (updated 31-January-2020)
Park Trains and Tourist Trains (updated 31-July-2019)
The Pneumatic Rolling-Sphere Carrier Delusion (updated spasmodically)
The Big V Riot Squad (new blog)