Saturday, July 27, 2024

Doctor McLaughlin's Electric Belt -- July 27, 2024

San Francisco Call, 22-September-1901

Doctor MC McLaughlin was one of many quack doctors who offered electric belts as cures for various male health problems: "Rheumatism, Lame and Weak Back, Sciatica, "Come-and-Go" Pains, Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Wasted Vital Strength. Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sleeplessness, Lost Energy and all ailments resulting from exposure and excesses." 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Paris 2024 Olympics -- July 26, 2024

The 2024 Summer Olympics open tonight in Paris. 100 years ago, the 1924 Summer Olympics were also held in Paris. 

Update: We watched the live feed starting at 10:30am Pacific. This was the least boring opening ceremony I have seen in many years. Having the teams ride boats down the Seine was a fascinating idea. The caldron was suspended from a balloon in the courtyard of the Louvre. There were dancers on the scaffolding around Notre Dame. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

New Cat #121 -- July 25, 2024

I took the photo on 07-July -2024. She was testing the bed in the hotel room in Camarillo. She approved, but she also enjoyed going under the covers. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Bob Newhart, Duke Fakir, John Mayall, Jerry Miller, Shelley Duvall and Martin Mull RIP -- July 24, 2024

Bob Newhart has died. He was close in age to my father, and his dry humor reminded me of my dad and his brothers from Ohio. I like to think that I carry on the tradition. I watched his television shows and I was happy to see that he appeared in many movies in more recent years.

Duke Fakir, the last surviving member of the original Four Tops, John Mayall of John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers and Jerry Miller of Moby Grape have died.

Shelley Duvall died. I liked her in big parts and small, and even in Popeye. I have not seen The Shining

Martin Mull died in late June. I didn't watch Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman or Fernwood2Night. The humor didn't do much for me. I liked his later work in movies and television. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Seven All-Steel Dixie Fliers Daily -- July 23, 2024

Indianapolis Times, 28-July-1924

This ad touts the Interstate Public Service Company's "DeLuxe Buffet-Parlor Car Service" from Indianapolis and Louisville. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Coulter -- Tramp Steamers -- July 22, 2024

San Francisco Call, 22-September-1901

William A Coulter did many maritime drawings for the San Francisco Call. Tramp steamers operated wherever they were chartered to go, without a fixed route or schedule. Click on the image for a larger view. 


F. S. Ciampa, Flying Italian Flag,
Drops Anchor in Port.

Among the fleet that made port yesterday were the Italian steamship F. S. Ciampa and the British steamship Cycle. Both were under charter to load wheat, but the Ciampa was twelve hours behind her canceling date, and now the charterer does not want to pay as high a rate. The matter will probably be amicably adjusted on Monday.

The Ciampa was 25 days coming from Talcahuano, while the Cycle was 24 days coming from Hiogo. The former is 4040 tons gross and 2634 tons net burden. She was built in Genoa, Italy, in 1899, by N. Odero & Co., and is 340 feet 5 inches long, 45 feet beam and 19 feet 8 inches deep. Captain Cafaiero, who commands her, has scores of friends in this port, as he traded here for years in the ship Francesco Ciampa.

The Cycle is 3411 tons gross and 2227 tons net burden. She was built in Sunderland, England, in 1900, by J. L. Thompson & Sons, Ltd., and is 331 feet 2 inches long, 49 feet beam and 24 feet 5 inches deep. Each steamship will take away about 5000 tons of grain.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Joe Biden Steps Aside -- July 21, 2024

I woke up this morning and learned that President Joe Biden is withdrawing as a candidate for reelection. This is sad. It will be interesting to see who goes forward as the new candidate. I would vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.