Monday, January 23, 2023

Vietnam Pact Initialed by U.S., Hanoi -- January 23, 2023

San Francisco Examiner, 23-January-1973

50 years ago today, on 23-January-1973, representatives of the United States, South Vietnam, North Vietnam and the Marxist puppet government of South Vietnam signed the Paris Peace Accords. The US was able to withdraw its troops. The RVN, the DRV and the PRG resumed fighting almost immediately, despite the cease fire. They continued to fight until 1976, when the government of South Vietnam fell.

The Peace Accords were of great interest to me because I was growing towards draft age. I knew I would have to volunteer, get drafted or get a college deferment and then volunteer.

Coincedentally, LBJ, whose legacy was badly damaged by the war, had died the day before.

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