Monday, July 11, 2022

Fewer Necktie Parties in 1922 -- July 11, 2022

Daily Ardmoreite, 05-July-1922

This newspaper items quotes a report from the NAACP that lynchings were down in the first six months of 1922. Note how the report spells "Tuskegee." Monroe N Work was a sociologist who pioneered in collecting information about lynchings.

Twenty-eight Negroes and
Two Whites Pay Penalty
at Hands of Mob,
Records Reveals.

TUSKAGEE, Ala. -- There were six less lynchings in the United States for the first six months of this year than there were for similar months of the year 1921, according to records compiled by Monroe N. Work, in charge of the Records and Research department of the Tuskagee Institute.

Of the 30 put to death, 10, or 63 per cent, were in two states, Mississippi and Texas.

Of those lynched 2 were whites and 28 negroes. Five of those put to death were burned to death at the stake and 3 were put to death and then their bodies burned.

The state in which lynching occurred and the number in each state are as follows: Alabama, 1; Arkansas, 2; Florida, 1; Georgia, 4; Louisiana, 1; Mississippi, 7; South Carolina, 1; Oklahoma, 1; and Texas. 12.

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