Saturday, December 28, 2024

Y2K -- 25 Years -- December 28, 2024

I was surprised to notice that I have never mentioned the Year 2000 Problem in this blog. I was a programmer/analyst at Wells Fargo at the time, and I spent most of the years 1998 and 1999 preparing code and testing for the night of 31-December-1999. I wish I had saved some of my notes. Despite people predicting the end of the world, everything went smoothly. 

When I started work at Wells Fargo in 1989, an older programmer was showing me how to do a set of programs that I needed to create. He showed me some programs I could clone. I pointed out that the date logic, checking to see if the input file for the process was created the previous business day, would not work in 1999-2000, because it used a two-digit year. He said I shouldn't worry about it. These programs would be gone by 2000 and we would be somewhere else. The programs were still there in 2000. He was fired in 1990 and I was in a different department in 1999-2000.

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