Saturday, July 30, 2011

Nevada State Railroad Museum -- July 30, 2011

The day after we rode the Virginia and Truckee Railway (, we returned to Carson City. We had breakfast at Heidi's Family Restaurant (excellent French Toast), went to mass at Saint Theresa of Avila, then went to the Nevada State Railroad Museum, which we had not visited since the late 1990s.

The main building of the museum had been rearranged to offer more interpretation of railroad history than railroad equipment. I think there were two locomotives, a box car, a coach and a combination car. I think they did a better job of explaining what happened to the Central Pacific than did the California State Railroad Museum.

The other building had more equipment, some unrestored, including the Inyo and the recently restored McKeen motor car seen above. It was an impressive sight. We talked to a volunteer about the impression it must have made on people who saw it roaring down the line towards Minden.

We rode the Edwards motor car around the line. It is no longer painted as the Washoe Zephyr.

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