Saturday, July 13, 2024

Wedding in Camrillo -- Part 2 -- July 13, 2024

We drove home from Camarillo on Monday. Traffic was much lighter than it had been on Saturday. One place we stopped to change drivers was San Ardo. I had driven by the sign many times but had never gone there. 

I was wondering about the name San Ardo. After we got home, I looked it up and found that the town was founded when the railroad went through and was named San Bernardo. In order to prevent people from confusing it with San Bernardino, they truncated the name. 

We stopped in front of Our Lady of Ransom Church. I had never heard of that title of Mary. It turns out that that feast was removed from the calendar after Vatican II. 

We were happy to get home. The cat is enjoying her usual napping places. 

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