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San Francisco Call, 01-March-1899 |
During the Spanish-American War, the armored cruiser Cristóbal Colón was part of the Spanish squadron that was penned in by the US Navy at Santiago de Cuba. The squadron tried to run the blockade and escape on 03-July-1898. Cristóbal Colón was the last surviving Spanish ship before her crew beached her to avoid sinking.
El Generalissimo Wheeler must have been named after General Fighting Joe Wheeler, who served the Confederacy as a general and volunteered to serve in the US Army during the Spanish-American War.
His Stirring Transition From the Cristobal
Colon to Golden Gate Park.
WHEN the young: student of natural history goes out to Golden Gate Park to study the buffalo, the deer, the llama and other wild animals from American forests he will see Generalissimo Wheeler rooting contentedly for worms in the paddock. The Generalissimo came under, the American flag with Porto Rico, the Philippines, Guam and other spoils of war, and while he was not mentioned in the peace protocol or the subsequent treaty, he was none the less won by Yankee valor.
He was first seen industriously swimming away from the luckless Cristobal Colon when that Spanish warship was dying under the Oregon's battering shells off the Cuban coast. He was picked up by a boat's crew from the American vessel and carried, expressing his gratitude in hearty grunts, aboard the Oregon. He probably had been intended for a juicy roast on the table of the Spanish skipper, but the Oregon's guns saved his bacon, and Generalissimo Wheeler, as he was then christened, renounced allegiance to the baby King of Spain forever.
Piggy Wheeler accompanied the Oregon on her return trip around the Horn, and aboard of her reached Honolulu. The crew decided that the Generalissimo had seen enough of Spanish misrule, and fearing to take him to Manila, where some American soldier would steal him for the centerpiece of a camp bean bake, they decided to present him to Golden Gate Park. He was therefore carried, squealing. vociferously, aboard the Australia and given in charge of Captain Houdlette. To-day his pigship will be presented to Mayor Phelan, with a letter and the compliments of the Oregon's gallant crew, and then Generalissimo Wheeler will be one of the 200 freaks of the park "zoo."
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San Francisco Call, 31-August-1899 |
EL GENERALISSIMO WHEELER, the great black pig, wallowing in happy contentment in the corral at Golden Gate Park, will be one of the features at the Sacramento State Fair. This pig has a history for bravery and daring, but his greatest accomplishment is a knack of avoiding danger and
coming out of all difficulties with an unharmed skin. When the Oregon was knocking sections out of the Christobal Colon, the pig jumped off the Spanish warship and swam toward the Oregon. He was picked up by a boat's crew and placed safely on board the pride of the navy. When the Oregon made her trip
around the Horn this prize bacon remained on board. At Honolulu the pig threatened to destroy the discipline of the ship, he was placed on shore. Captain Houdlette of the Australia guaranteed to freight the live animal to San Francisco, bestowing his individual care and attention upon it during the trip to this city. This was done, and in the last days of February Mr. Bacon Generalissimo Wheeler arrived. He was presented to Mayor Phelan and given special quarters in the park Zoo.
When Sacramento learns of the treat in store for it no doubt a reception welcome will be arranged in "Wheeler's" honor.
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