Thursday, June 7, 2012

Carter, Boy Magician -- June 7, 2012

Charles Carter, a native of San Francisco, was one of the great American magicians of the early Twentieth century. He worked abroad for many years. His home in Sea Cliff still stands.

This ad is from the 01-December-1889 Pittsburg Dispatch.The Casino Museum, in the tradition of Barnum's American Museum in New York displayed freaks, oddities and occasional educational exhibits.  What do you suppose "HARRY HARTMAN'S HUMAN HOOF" could have been?  I can imagine Miss Lizzie Sturgeon's foot piano act.  The two headed baby was coming on December 23, just in time for Christmas.  Carter was billed as "Master Chas. Carter, Boy Magician" because he was about 15 years old. 

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