Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pearl Harbor Day -- December 7, 2010

69 years ago a sneak attack by forces of the Japanese Empire sank much of the US Pacific Fleet, including the battleship Arizona, shown transiting the Panama Canal in 1921, at Pearl Harbor in the territory of Hawaii. The Japanese Empire came to regret doing this.


Gordon Pasha said...

"The Japanese Empire came to regret doing this." I like web logs that commemorate major national milestones -- and I particularly admire the understatement in your last sentence. There were not many blogs yesterday, in the circle in which I move (basically film related), that even mentioned Pearl Harbor. Perhaps it is moving, alas, out of the national sensibility. Best. Gerald.

Joe Thompson said...

Gerald: Thanks for the kind words. I enjoy marking important historical events. I like your screen name. General Gordon was a remarkable character.

Joe Thompson ;0)