Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Hale's Radio to Relay Music -- May 9, 2023

San Francisco Examiner, 25-April-1923

In the golden age of radio, remote music broadcasts from hotels and clubs were very common. Here is an early example from the Fairmont Hotel to station KPO. John W Weeks was Secretary of War in President Harding's cabinet. Known as an honest man, Weeks was not involved in the Teapot Dome scandal.

Hale's Radio to
Relay Music

by Oliver W. Tuttle.

Commencing Sunday night at 8:30 o'clock "KPO," Hale Brothers' big broadcasting station, will inaugurate its new remote control system from the Fairmont Hotel.

Controlled by a switch install on the huge panel in the "KPO" operating room, the magic waves of Rudy Seiger's famous Fairmont Orchestra.

This notable feat of radio engineering skill was made possible through the co-operation with Hale Brothers of the Fairmont Hotel and the Leo J Meyberg Company.

Since the closing down of the old "KDN" station at the Fairmont radio fans have constantly inquired why Rudy Seiger and his musicians were no longer to be heard via the radio. They will now be heard daily between the hours of 1 and 2 and 4:30 and 5:30 o'clock in the afternoon. The regular Sunday concert will also be a feature of the weekly program.

The concert Sunday night will be featured by violin solos by Rudy Seiger. The members of the orchestra are J. Chandler Smith, piano; Jasha Schwarzman, cello; Jerome Simon, violin; H. Seiger, base, and Rudy Seiger, conductor.

Secretary of War John Weeks will speak from Hale Brothers' studio tonight at 8 o'clock.

His words will be eagerly listened to by thousands of radio fans up and down the Pacific coast, who, through the medium of their receiving sets, will have this great opportunity of hearing a figure of national importance. An attractive musical program will also be broadcasted.

San Francisco Examiner, 25-April-1923

Rudy Seiger's Shell Symphonists Orchestra: "Destiny" (1928)

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