New York Tribune, 22-February-1922 |
When it was completed in Italy in 1921, Roma was the largest semi-rigid airship in the world. She was purchased by the United States Army, which had her dismantled and shipped to Langley Field, Virginia. Roma made her first flight on 15-December-1921. 100 years ago this month, on 21-February-1922, Roma crashed and killed 32 people.
34 Are Burned to Death When Giant Roma,
U. S. Army Dirigible, Plunges 1,500 Feet
3 of 11 Survivors Unhurt;
Many Are Killed in Leap
From Flaming Craft
Capt. Mabry, Pilot,
Dies at His Post
Crash With High Voltage Wire
at Hampton Roads Causes
Explosion; Rudder Fails
Special Dispatch to The Tribune
NORFOLK. Va., Feb. 21. -- The second attempt of the United States
to develop an airship fleet through purchases abroad ended disastrously
at the Hampton Roads army base to-day, when the army semi-rigid
dirigible Roma, after developing rudder trouble 1,500 feet on the air,
crashed 200 feet in flames to the ground, exploded and caused the death
of thirty-four of the forty-five passengers and members of the crew
on board. The accident was the worst in the history of aircraft in the
United States.
Three of the eleven survivors, by miracle or chance, were unhurt.
A tarnished gold leaf clinging to a charred uniform served to identify
one of the dead as Major John G. Thornell, the Air Service officer, who
supervised this 412-foot flying ship since the day she was acquired from
the Italian government. The others of those unfortunate navigators of
the air are mercifully posted at Langley Field as "missing" to soften
the fact that they are but charred embers among the fused and blackened
metal that was the articulated framework of this greatest of all
semi-rigid airships.
After the airship which had a capacity of 1,200,000 feet of
hydrogen gas was set on fire by the explosion the heat was so intense
that firemen from three departments worked five hours before they could
take out the charred bodies of the victims buried under the great
Army Officers Begin Investigation
The story of the last cruise of the Roma has been pieced together
to-night by army investigators taking the accounts of ground observers,
the broken sentences of terribly burned survivors, and the more lucid
versions of the three men who were unhurt.
Mute testimony was added to the words of the living by fleshless
hands that clutched the pilot wheel in a grip of death. They told something
of the heroism of those flying men, of a soldierly devotion to duty
that is ordinarily associated only with battlefields. They had been the
hands of Captain Dale Mabry, chief pilot and commander of the Roma.
He died at his post and doing so created a tradition for captains of the
air that parallels the ancient law of the sea.
The Roma became unmanageable at the height of 1,500 feet through
some defect that developed in her elevating mechanism. The huge structure
had been taken out on what was to have been a speed flight to test
six Liberty motors of 400-horsepower each that had replaced the more
delicate and less satisfactory Italian engines with which she was
originally driven.
Back and forth over the flatlands about Hampton Roads the dirigible
was guided by her expert crew for nearly an hour. Then, as the ship
straightened out for a flight inland to Richmond, something went wrong.
The first intimation the crew and passengers had was a shout from
Lieutenant Burt, in charge of the elevator planes.
Major J. G. Reardon, one of the survivors, told about that. He said:
"I heard Lieutenant Burt cry, 'She won't respond!'
"Captain Mabry, standing by his wheel, shouted to the lieutenant to
elevate the ship. Burt put his whole weight on the elevation lever, but
the Roma, her nose going lower and lower, continued to rush toward
the ground. Then I heard Captain Mabry say, 'Good God, boys!' There
was no fire until we struck a high voltage electric wire just above the
ground. Then everything burst into flames."
Dives to Earth Under Own Power
lt was just a little before 2 o'ciock in the afternoon when those on
the ground at the army base at Hampton Roads heard the roaring of the
six powerful Liberty motors of the Roma. Looking up, they were just in
time to see the blunt nose of the silvery mass point sharply downward.
For a few moments the ship drove toward the earth under her own
power. She was not falling. Then the motors were shut off and the
speed of the descent slackened. The horrified watchers on the ground
saw tiny, ant-like figures at the portholes in the triangular keel frantically
heaving sand ballast through the openings, but they worked in vain.
As the vessel came near the earth, her pilots still striving frantically
to control her, the airship struck two high tension wires carrying 2,300
volts. The next instant the nose of the big vessel hit the ground and
rolled over. There followed a terrific explosion and then the whole airship
was on fire.
When the Roma burst into flames many of those on board escaped with their lives. Their bodies fell on a pile of pig iron, and in less time than
takes to tell it the burning airship fell almost on the same spot. 11 men who had made the desperate leap for life, if they were not already dead when their bodies struck the pile of iron, were burned to death under the airship.
There was just one man who leaped and landed on soft ground. He
escaped almost unhurt, excepting for a few burns on his face and hands.
He is Lieutenant Byron T. Burt. He jumped from the Roma when she
was about thirty feet in the air and landed in the mud.
Ten Escape After Hitting Earth
Ten other men were saved from death by being able to leave the
ship quickly after she struck the earth. Captain Walter J. Reed, who
stood by the ship to the last, came out of the burning mass of steel and
wood and rags with just a few scars on his ear and hand. He says he
does not know why he is alive. Of all the line officers on the Roma only
two escaped death -- Captain Reed and Lieutenant Burt. Both were listed
as pilots on the Roma.
In the hands of two dead men dragged from the wreck were fire
extinguishers. This bears out the theory that the ship must have been
on fire when she was 200 feet in the air, and the men had grabbed
extinguishers to help extinguish the blaze, but Captain Reed and
Lieutenant Burt say they do not believe the ship caught fire until after she
struck the high voltage wire just thirty feet above earth.
His First Trip Aloft Ends in Disaster
Roy Hurley, one of the eleven survivors, said he had never been up
in an airship before to-day. He said he did not know anything had
happened until just a few minutes before the Roma struck the earth.
"We were sailing along all right, I thought," he said, "when all of a
sudden I heard men scream and fire broke out all around us. Then there
was a jolt. I was knocked over on my back. Men fell all over
me and about me. They appeared like they had suddenly gone crazy. I
believe I must have lost my head, too, for I don't know how I got out
of the thing."
"If we were on fire up in the air, I did not know anything about it.
We had not been up in the air so very long when it all happened. It was
a real adventure for me, and I was enjoying it. I had nothing to do, and
that is why I am alive, I guess."
The Roma appeared to be on fire before she struck the high-voltage
wire, according to H. M. Tilley, who stood on the ground and watched the
airship come down. He says he certainly saw smoke coming from the bag
of the big flying machine. He declared the Roma appeared to "shrink
up" all of a sudden. Her nose "shrunk" and she shot to earth. Tilley
says he snapped a picture of the Roma about the time she struck the wire.
She was all ablaze then.
The explosion, which came after the Roma struck the wire, broke
windows in residences some distance from where the big aircraft fell.
The explosion is also believed to have been partly responsible for the
horribly mutilated condition of some of the bodies dragged from the wreck
of the big flying craft.
The Roma fell almost in front of the army supply base fire headquarters,
and within a minute after she rolled to earth, firemen had two
streams of water pouring on her. She burned like a pile of light wood, and
there was not a particle of her woodwork or bag left when the last ember
was extinguished. Only the mass of metal framework remains.
Goes to Husband by Plane
Captain Reed, who was saved from
the wreck with but slight burns, is a
son-in-law of H C. Blackinton, one of
the principal officials of the Furness-Withy
Steamship Line. His wife was
at Langley Field when Captain Reed
flew away in the Roma. She was
waiting for him to come back when she
got news of the burning of the Roma.
Then she insisted that she be taken
to her husband in an airplane. Several
army officers flew over from Langley
Field to where the Roma was
wrecked. Mrs. Reed went with them.
She found her husband in the public
health hospital with just a few minor
burns on his hands and face. "I'm
ready to go home," he told her, "if
the doctors say so." He was required
to wait for further examination by
army doctors.
The collapse of the huge dirigible
was witnessed by dozens of employees
of the army base. Within a few minutes
after the craft struck the ground the
rescue work was under way. But
those pinned underneath the burning
were beyond help, and before they
could be extricated their bodies had been
charred beyond recognition.
Leap With Parachute
Practically all the crew and passengers
were in the passenger cabin amidship
when the explosion occurred, and
before there was any time for coherent
action the framework of the machine '
had caved in on top of them.
Lieutenant W. E. Riley, of New York
city, a member of the official crew,
jumped from a window of the cabin.
His parachute failed to work properly, and he struck the street pavement on
his head. His neck was broken, and
he died before reaching the hospital.
Another member of the crew leaped to
safety, escaping with minor injuries. It was 2:10 o'clock this afternoon
when the Roma struck the pile
of pig iron in a mass of flames. Half
an hour later she was a total wreck.
She burned so quickly, soldiers from
the army base who rushed to the
scene, were unable to get to the craft.
The fire was so hot it drove firemen
twenty feet away from where they first
stood to pour water on the flames.
Spectators say the flames reached 100
feet in the air. Others say they saw
particles of burning clothes and
scraps from tne Roma's bag hurled 200
feet in the air.
Even caps worn by the crew of the
Roma caught fire and went hurtling
through the air after the big bag of
the machine blew up.
It took only thirty minutes to
destroy the Roma, but it required five
hours to remove the dead bodies from
the wreck of the big ship.
The Roma fell near a thickly populated
spot of Norfolk County. There
were scores of homes within a few
blocks of where the ship fell and
women and children rushed to the scene,
eager to help. The homes were thrown
open for the care of wounded, but there
were only six men alive who needed
attention. They were hurried away to
the public health hospital, just a short
distance from where the Roma fell,
Women who came to the scene bent
on rendering assistance were made ill
by the sight of headless and armless
bodies. Many of them screamed and
were taken away by relatives; several
fainted, but the army doctors were too
busy caring for the dead to render any
help, and they were turned over to
Graham Dalton, employed in a warehouse
near the scene of the wreck, was
an eyewitness of the disaster. In
describing it he said:
"We were standing just outside a
warehouse when we saw the Roma coming
from over Oceanview way. She appeared
to be in trouble.
"The ship looked as if she was about
to turn over. She was up several hundred
feet then, and it looked as if they
suddenly shut off the engines. The
machine started drifting slowly toward
the ground. lt struck against the electric
light wires and there was an explosion.
All Happened in a Second
It all happened in a second. I
remember seeing one man leap. His parachute
didn't work and he hit the pavement
and lay still. When the explosion
occured the whole thing seemed to
buckle up and in a second everything
was afire.
"One man jumped and when he hit
the ground his clothing was all afire.
Some men working in the yard rushed
out and tore all the clothing off him,
but he was burned almost to death.
"I saw another fellow crawl out from
under the wreckage. His clothes were
afire. He crawled on his hands and
as far as a puddle of water. He
fell over into the water and turned
over and over, trying to put out the
fire. When we reached him he was
covered with mud. One of the boys
started to rub the mud from his eyes
with a handkerchief and the skin
peeled off with the mud."
Roma Cost U. S. $200,000
Carried Passengers in Italy
The fatal trial flight of the
semi-rigid airship Roma was one of a series
of tests by which it was hoped to
establish finally whether this kind of
lighter-than-air craft was superior to
the rigid type, of which the Zeppelins
were the best examples.
Italy designated the great
sky-roving monster for a bomb-carrier.
Had she been finished before the
end of hostilities with, Austria she
would have joined a fleet of four
smaller semi-rigid ships which were
housed in hangars in the Po valley,
about thirty kilometers from Ferrara,
making nocturnal sallies across the
frontier to drop tons of explosive in
enemy territory. But the armistice
was signed while she was only
partially completed.
The United States had an air
service observer with the Italian forces
in the Po valley. This observer,
reporting on the work of the semi-rigid
airships said: "Every evening, regardless
of weather conditions or fog, these
dirigibles started out for a trip into
enemy territory carrying much greater
loads of bomhs than were carried by
squadrons of airplane raiders, and
returned successfully with the morning.
Dirigibles Maintained Schedules
"In every instance the dirigibles,
without a serious hitch in the schedule,
started on and returned from their
mission in 100 per cent of force. In
comparison with this record, in
practically no raid participated in by six
or more airplanes did all the planes
return to their base the same day.
Usually, one or more was delayed for
days or weeks, due to forced landings,
at fields near the front lines."
Reports like these stirred the enthusiasm
of the American army air service.
The Italian government ordered the
Roma completed despite the ending of
the war, and for a time the big airship was engaged in passenger service that
was almost as uneventful as the daily
trips of a ferry boat. The Roma was
kept in a hangar at Ciampino.
Then negotiations were begun between
Italy and the United States for
the sale of this the largest semi-rigid
airship in the world, and the deal
was closed when the American government
offered approximately $200,000.
Army experts at Washington estimated
at the time that it would cost $1,250,000
to duplicate the Roma.
Early in 1921 Major J. G. Thornell
started for Italy with a detail of air
service men to bring the Roma to the
United States. With him went Captain
Dale Mabry, Lieutenant (now Captain)
Walter J. Reed; Sergeant J. M. Biedenbach,
Sergeant V. C. Hoffman, Staff
Sergeant M. J. Beale, Master Sergeant
H. A. Chapman and Master Sergeant
R. C. McNally. All of these, excepting
Beale and Chapman, were aboard yesterday.
At first it was proposed to fly the
ship from Rome to Norfolk. When this
plan was vetoed, the ship was dismantled,
packed and placed aboard the
United States army transport Mars for
shipment to the United States. Before
this, however, the expert American
crew had been drilled by the Italian
builders until they knew every kink in
the articulated skeleton of the craft.
Celestino Usuelli, the wealthy Italian
businessman who constructed it
together with his assistants in the
undertaking, Colonel Crocco and the
engineers, De Nobile and Prassone. were
on hand while the ship made trial
flights, with the Americans helping the
Italian crew.
On March 15 of last year, with the
American flag fluttering from her stern,
for the first time, the airship ascended
over Rom. She was at last a part of
the military equipment of the United
States. Aboard were Robert Underwood
Johnson, the American Ambassador
at Rome, Brigadier General
Evan M. Johnson, the American
military attaché; several members of the
embassy personnel, Major John G.
Thornell, her new commander, his aids
and about fifty Italian officers.
The transport Mars, with the dismantled,
deflated airship resembling a
couple of circus tents "on the spool,"
in her hold sailed for Norfolk from
Genoa on May 28.
She was put together there once more
the same silvery giant that had flown
over Rome, and arrangements were
made to place her in commission on
December 21. On that day the Roma
was flown to Washington. For five
hours and a half the army airship
plunged about high above the earth,
bucking head winds in what probably
one of the most thrilling ether
voyages in the brief history of aviation.
Secretary Weeks, Secretary Denbv
and Rolando Ricci, the Italian Ambassador, with others. waited for three
hours in the raw, cold northwest wind
blew over Bolling Field. Miss
Wainwright, daughter of the
Assistant Secretary of War, was there
with a bottle of liquid air with which
to perform the christening ceremony.
It had been planned that these and
guests of distinction were to be
taken for a flight over Baltimore.
The christening ceremonies were hastened.
The boat ride over Baltimore
was abandoned. Major General Patrick,
chief of the army air service
ordered the Roma back to Langley
Field and the safety of her hangar as
soon as she could be refueled. Then
with the wind on her tail with its
cellular rudder, the Roma went home,
making the return trip in a fraction of
the time required for the journey to
The characteristics of the Roma
Capacity, l,200,000 cubic feet.
Gross weight, 37 tons.
Fixed weight, 18 tons.
Disposable lift, 19 tons (crew, fuel ballast).
Length, 412 feet 6 inches.
Beam, 82 feet 6 inches.
Height, 90 feet 9 inches.
The envelope had twelve gas
compartments and six air ballonets, A
characteristic of this airship was that
each of the ballonet divisions had its
own air manifold and two controllable
exhaust valves.