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Film Daily, 23-May-1920 |
Sunday, May 31, 2020
World's Greatest Motor Race -- May 31, 2020
Friday, May 29, 2020
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Jimmy Cobb, Larry Kramer, RIP -- May 28, 2020
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
By a New Writer, F Scott Fitzgerald -- May 27, 2020
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Peggy Lee 100, John Fogerty 75 -- May 26, 2020
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Monday, May 25, 2020
Memorial Day 2020 -- May 25, 2020
On Memorial Day it is fitting and proper to remember the men and women who gave their lives, who continue to give their lives, to give us the country we deserve.
Captain Lloyd W Williams was commanding the 51st Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines in the trenches on 03-June-1918. They supported French units during the Battle of Belleau Wood. A French officer told him to retreat. He replied "Retreat? Hell, we just got here!" Captain Williams was killed in action on 12-April-1918.
I took this photo on 14-December-2007 at the National Cemetery in the Presidio.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
US Deaths Near 100,000, An Incalculable Loss -- May24, 2020
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Thursday, May 21, 2020
President Carranza of Mexico is Killed in Puebla Mountains -- May 21, 2020
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Grand Forks Herald, 22-May-1920 |
Number of His Companions
Also Reported to be Dead
Indications Are That Men
Carranza Took With Him
Suddenly Revolted.
Policy of United States Regarding New Government
Is Much in Doubt.
El Paso, Tex., May 22. -- (By the Associated Press) -- President Carranza of Mexico was assassinated by his own men, according to a telegram from General Alvaro Obregon of Mexico City, received by revolutionary agents here today.
Washington, May 22. -- An official dispatch received by one of the embassies here from a diplomatic representative in Mexico City also reports the death of Carranza but gives no details.
El Paso, Tex., May 22. -- (By the Associated Press) -- Carranza was killed by troops under General Rodolfo Herrera, former federal soldier of the Diaz regime, the message from Obregon stated. The assassination was reported to have taken place at Tlaxcalantongo, Puebla, yesterday.
Mexico City, May 22. -- (By the Associated Press) -- President Venustiano Carranza, who, with a small party of followers, has been a fugitive In the mountains of Puebla since late last week, was killed at Tlaxcalantongo early Thursday morning, according to official announcement here. His companions, the names of whom are unknown, also were killed.
General Rodolfo Herrera, it is said, directed the attack. He belonged to forces commanded by General Franciso Mariel, who accompanied Carranza in his flight from this city. but who last week deserted Carrera and joined the revolutionists.
There is some uncertainty regarding the exact affiliation of General Herrera. He was in rebellion against Carranza for several years, centering his operations in the state of Puebla. He surrendered last month to General Mariel, who was in command of government forces in that state.
When General Mariel went over to the revolutionists last week, a portion of his troops, it is known, remained loyal to the president and belief exists that Carranza might have taken along with him in his flight toward Tuxpan, Herrera's forces, which finally turned against him. Tlaxcalantongo is a small village in the northern "panhandle"- of the state of Puebla. It Is approximately 85 miles from San Andres, where Carranza left his forces and took refuge in the mountains.
The official announcement was given out at 10:30 o'clock last night from the headquarters of General Alvaro Obregon.
El Paso, Tex., May 22. -- Carranza's chief followers, who were with him when he died, addressed a message to General Pablo Gonzales, protesting the assassination of their chief. This message was transmitted here by Obregon with his answer.
The Carranza leaders said Carranza was made a prisoner and cowardly assassinated at the cry i. of "Viva Obregon" by Col. Rodolfo and his men.
Some Men Safe.
Mexico City, May 22. -- (By the Associated Press) -- Reports received here early this morning state that General Juan Barragan, chief of the presidential staff; Ygnacio Bonillas, former Mexican ambassador at Washington; General Marciano Gonzales and General Federico Montes, who accompanied President Carranza in his flight from San Andres, are safe. No mention is made of the others in the party which it is believed included Luis Cabrera, minister of the treasury; Alfonso Cabrera, his brother, governor of Puebla, and General Francisco Murguia, who acted as commander of the Carranza troops after the president had fled from this city.
Orders have been given, that a train be taken to Beristain, the nearest railway point, to Tlaxcalantongo, to receive the bodies killed in the encounter in which President Carranza lost his life.
Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico, May 22 -- Forces of General Arrieta who has not yet recognized the revolutlon, numbering 200 cavalry, under Colonel Laris, yesterday gave battle to revolutionary troops under Genital Miguel Lavega near Canatlan, Durango, General P. Elias Calles announced today. Seven Carranzistas were killed.
U. S. Policy in Doubt
Washington, May 22. -- No report on the death of Carranza had come today from the American embassy in Mexico City and the Associated Press dispatches were the only information before the government here.
If Carranza has been killed, the manner of his death may inject an unlooked for element into the question of recognition of the new government in Mexico. When President Wilson declined to recognize Huerta after the killing of Madero and Suarez, he outlined, and gave notice broad policy that the United States would recognize no governments not based on constitutional authority.
Up to this point the, Mexican revolution has been marked by an absence of fighting and the question of whether the revolutionary forces might be recognized has been left for later development.
If it were to be found that Carranza was killed in a coup d'etat, the question of recognition of the new government probably would go back to President Wilson's originally outlined policy. If he were killed in battle with the revolutionists, it probably would still be a question as to whether the recognition of his successors came within the policy laid down seven years ago.
The details of the Mexican president's death will have to be known fully before the state department makes any decision which would bear on the question of recognition, which probably would not be taken up at all until after elections in Mexico.
Recalling the president's attitude, revolutionary agents here were frankly concerned and took immediate steps to learn details that would clear up the manner of Carranza's death.
Succeeded Huerta.
Venustiano Carranza, elected president of Mexico March 11, 1917, by the largest vote ever cast in a presidential election in his country, stepped from political obscurity to national and international prominence on the graves of the hopes of General Victoriano Huerta, the usurper, and his followers.
"Madero's revolution was political," Carranza is quoted, as having said. "Mine is a social one."
Born of parents in comfortable circumstances in Cuatro Cienagas, state of Coahuila, December 29, 1859, Venustiano Carranza was educated in the public schools of his native state and later studied law at the Mexican capital. When he was admitted to the bar, however, affection of the eyes prevented him from practicing and he returned to his native state to become a rancher. His experiences as a rancher first, then as judge, senator and finally governor of Coahuila, made Carranza familiar with the agrarian problem, the root of political unrest in Mexico.
Allied With Villa.
Shortly afterward Independent revolutionists led by Zapata, General Pascual Orosco and others commenced. Dissension between Villa and Carranza, which began at the Torreon conference, reached a climax September 23, 1914, when Villa declared war on Carranza. General Alvaro Obregon became Carranza's leading general.
The Villa generals met at Aguascalientes in November, 1914, and, in alliance with the Zapata faction, formed a. conventionist government. The capital changed hands several times' and was not finally taken by General Obregon until the summer of 1915.
The beginning of the end of the Villa-Zapata party as a military power followed swiftly the heavy defeats of Villa by General Alvaro Obregon. Villa was forced to give up Torreon and concentrate his dwindling forces in northern Chihuahua and eastern Sonora, making occasional forays and raids, which culminated In the attack on Columbus, N. M., that resulted in the invasion of Mexican territory by General Pershing.
Trouble With U. S.
In the diplomatic exchanges that ensued between President Wilson and Carranza, who had been officially recognized as the head of the de facto government by the United States in October, 1915, he insisted on the respect by the United States of Mexico's sovereignty and the concession to his government, of reciprocal rights of invasion. He maintained his position despite the crisis caused by the clashes between Mexican and American soldiers at Parral and Carrizal, but when war seemed unavoidable Carranza succeeded in stemming the tide by his proposal for the appointment of a joint commission to settle the difficulties amicably. The proposal accepted by President Wilson and the deliberations of the commission resulted in the withdrawal of the American army and the restoration of friend1y relations between the two countries.
In the meantime Carranza had called a constitutional congress, which accepted most of the reform he outlined. On March 11, 1917, he was elected president. More than 1,500,000 votes were cast for him. He took the oath of office May 1, 1917.
Favored Germany
In a message to the Mexican congress, following his inauguration as president, Carranza declared Mexico's "strict" neutrality. His note to neutral nations, however, urging them to declare embargoes against all the European belligerents, as a means of ending the war, and in the warmth of his language in congratulating Emperor William on the occasion of his last birthday, aroused comment in the United States, as did also the publication of the Zimmerman note, inviting Mexico to take "by conquest" the states of Texas, Arizona and New Mexico in payment for a declaration of war on the United States acting in concert with Japan.
General Carranza was married and formerly lived in Saltillo. One of his daughters, Miss Virginia Carrano, became the wife of General Candido Aguilar.
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Grand Forks Herald, 22-May-1920 |
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
José Martí Dead -- May 19, 2020
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Wheeling Register, 22-May-1895 |
The Cuban Leader, the Man Who
Was Recently Proclaimed President,
Killed in an Engagement
With the Spaniards—The Body
Identified Important Documents
Havana, May 21.—An engagement disastrous to the rebels was fought to-day in Eastern Cuba, in which Jose Marti, who was proclaimed president of the revolutionary party, was killed and his dead body positively identified. Col. Salcedo received positive information that a band of insurgents under the command of the well-known leaders, Jose Marti, Maximo Gomez, Masso and Barrero, had taken up a line of march to pass the river Neuto, thence to proceed in the direction of Victoria do Las Tunas with the design of marching upon Puerto Principe. Col. Salsedo dispatched a detachment of troops to march in pursuit of the rebels and Col. Sandoval found the enemy encamped at a, point between Bijas and Botca de Dostrios on the right side of the Contramaestre river, near the Canto river. The strip of land between the two rivers is high, thus making a strong position.
Nevertheless Col. Sandoval attacked the camp and found his troops harassed by a scattering fire of single shots from covert. The fight lasted for an hour in this manner, at the end of which time the Spanish troops advanced and took the enemy’s position and compelling the rebels to fly in different directions. The Spanish troops hotly pursued and came upon the body of Jose Marti, which was later positively identified.
Of the rebels twenty were killed and many of their number wounded when they took flight. The Spaniards found some correspondence of the rebel leaders. among which are some important papers. The booty of the camp, arms and horses of the insurgents were also taken.
The Spaniards lost five killed and seven wounded in the engagement.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Jorge Santana, RIP -- May 18, 2020
Sunday, May 17, 2020
House of Flowers -- May 17, 2020
We got our wedding flowers from the House of Flowers on Geary Boulevard. I don't know what happened to their sign.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
TrumpVirus -- May 16, 2020
California is entering phase 2 of loosening the shelter in place regulations. Some states have opened right up and seen a big jump in infections.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Thank You Garbage Workers -- May 15, 2020
I like sidewalk chalk. Some neighborhood kids offered a thank you to our local scavengers during this time of sheltering in place.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Comic Book -- Detective Comics -- May 13, 2020
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Monday, May 11, 2020
Little Richard, Betty Wright and Jerry Stiller, RIP -- May11, 2020
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Jerry Stiller had a great gift and he shared it. I remember seeing Stiller and Meara on the Ed Sullivan Show. Their routines often showed up on comedy shows on the radio.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Mother's Day, 2020 -- May 10, 2020
Happy Mother's Day, everyone. I'm grateful for my mother and my wife and my mother-in-law and sisters-in-law and cousins and friends. All excellent mothers.
I took the photo at Good Shepherd School in Pacifica on 05-October-2008, during the school's 40th anniversary celebration.
Result of the Mill Between Mace and Allen Near New Orleans -- May 10, 2020
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New York Herald, 11-May-1870 |
Under the London Prize Ring Rules, contestants fought without gloves and rounds ended when one or both fighters went down. They then had 30 seconds to come up to scratch, a mark in the middle of the ring. The man who failed to come up to scratch lost the fight. Wrestling was allowed. "...when Mace clinched him, and, giving him the back heel, threw Allen and fell on him."
Result of the Mill Between Mace and
Allen Near New Orleans.
Allen Badly Thrashed in Ten
Heavy Rounds.
Duration of the Fight Forty-
four Minutes.
The "Victor* Almost Without
a Scratch.
The Mace Alien prize fight came off to-day near this city before a vast crowd of people, and resulted in the success of Mace, who won the battle in ten rounds, in forty-four minutes. No event of the period has caused such an excitement in pugilistic circles since the Heenan-Sayers mill in England some years ago.
Articles of agreement entered into between Thomas Allen and James Mace, by which the said Thomas Allen and the said James Mace mutually agree to fight a fair stand up fight according to the new rules of the London prize ring. And they each do mutually agree to be bound that the fight shall take place on the 10th day of May, A. D. 1870, and within fifty miles of New Orleans, State of Louisiana; the men to be in the ring between the hours of seven o'clock A. M. and twelve o'clock M., the man failing to be in the ring to forfeit all claim to the battle money up. The fight shall be for the sum of $2,500 a side and the championship of America. The sum of $500 a side Is now placed In the hands of Frank Queen, who shall appoint the final stakeholder If he will not act himself. The second deposit of $1,000 a side shall be made at the Clipper office on Tuesday. March 22, 1870, and the third and final deposit of $1,000 a side shall be made at the Clipper office April 22,1870. And it is further agreed that all moneys made by the excursion shall be equally divided, Allen naming one man on his part and Mace one man on his behalf to superintend all affairs pertaining to said excursion, the man not being in the ring to lose the money, no matter whether he is bound by magisterial interference to keep the peace or not -- nor in what State; if he is not in the ring he shall lose the money. And it is further agreed that each man shall send a man to New Orleans seven days previous to the day named for the fight to make arrangements for getting the conveyance to the fight, and that the reporter of the Clipper shall be present to see that there shall be no backout on either side, and that the referee shall be chosen on the ground. In pursuance of the foregoing articles we hereunto place our names. Either party failing to make good the deposits at the time and place above mentioned to forfeit the moneys deposited.
NEW YORK, Jan. 17. 1870.
The following are the personal histories of the pugilists who contended in the great mill near this city to-day:
Jem Mace was born in Norwich, near London, in 1831, and is now in his thirty-ninth year. He is five feet eight and a half inches In height and weighs about 160 lbs. From his early boyhood he manifested a love for the "manly art," became a pupil of the most ramous boxers, among others the champion of England, Tom Sayers, and was, before he reached man's estate, trained to all the points and dodges of the prize ring. Mace Is a finely proportioned man, and is considered as good, if not the best, two-handed fighter in the world at the present day. When he first came into notice he was engaged with a travelling sparring exhibition, with which he continued during the years 1854 and 1855, and it was in this way that his talent as a boxer was brought prominently before the public. It was urged that a man who could spar so well ought "to fight a bit." He was accordingly matched against Slack, of Norwich, for a "fiver" a side for a trial. At this time Mace weighed 150 lbs. The fight came off at Mildenhall, on the 2d of October, 1856, and Jem beat Slack with ease in nine rounds, in nineteen minutes. Mace's style of fighting seemed to please the "fancy," and they became still more anxious to see him do it over again. It was, however, nearly two years before there was an opening In the prize ring. The next time he fought he met Bill Thorpe, at Medway. This was on the 17th of February, 1857, for £25 a side, and in eighteen rounds, in twenty-seven minutes, Mace scored another victory. His handiwork in this fight gave him quite an exalted reputation among his fellow pugilists, and he had hosts of backers ail willing to match him against any pugilist of his weight. Mike Madden and Mace were then matched for £50 a side, but when the men were in the ring and stripped for the combat Mace would not agree to the referee appointed by the stakeholder, would not fight, and, much to the chagrin of his backers , disgracefully forfeited to Madden. This was in the autumn of 1857. In the spring of 1858 Madden brought up Mace again to the matching point, and laid him £15 to £10 on the result. Mace prepared for the fight, but when the morning of the day of battle came poor Mace's courage again seemed to have oozed out of bis finger end, and he was non est when wanted, and was not heard of for several days. Still this fiasco, although damaging to his reputation as a game man, did not change the opinion of his backers as to his scientific capabilities, and they again backed him, this time with Bob Brettle, who had at that time reached a high position on the scroll of fame as a fighter by defeating such pugilists as Roger Coyne, Job Cobley and Bob Travers. Brettle and Mace were accordingly matched for £100 a side, and the fight came off on the banks of the Medway, on the 2lst of September, 1858. Mace was beaten in two rounds, which lasted but three minutes. The result of this fight had a very damaging effect on Mace's character, and he was proclaimed a "rank cur" by his backers and all the pugilists of England except the man he had been fighting with, Bob Brettle, This man took Mace in hand, infused some of his own indomitable pluck into him by some means or other, and changed the current of Mace's downward course. Brettle matched Mace against Posh Price for £50 a side, and the fight came off at Surrey, January 26, 1859. Mace won the fight very handily in eleven rounds, which were fought in
seventeen minutes. This fight was a "redeemer," and brought back the friends who had deserted him after his defeat by Bob Brettle, and they were willing to match Mace against the best boxers in the kingdom. The first that offered was the black wonder -- Bob Travers -- and a match for £100 a side was made to come off on the 21st of February, l860. The men were in the ring at the time specified and fought six rounds in twenty-one minutes, when the police put in an appearance and the fight was postponed to the following day, down the river Thames. Here fifty-seven rounds more were fought In ninety-one minutes, making in all sixty-three rounds in one hour and fifty-one minutes. At the end of that time Travers fell without a blow and Mace was declared the winner. The smart of the disgrace of the defeat of Mace by Brettle in three minutes was rankling in Mace's breast, notwithstanding Bob's kindness, and an intimation being made that another trial of skill would be satisfactory to him, Brettle at once expressed a willingness to again try conclusions with Mace in a friendly way for "a lump of money." A match was accordingly made, to come off on September 19, 1860, for £200 a side, and after eleven rounds, in nineteen minutes, part in Oxfordshire on the day named and part the next day down the Thames, Mace won an easy battle, completely wiping out the disgrace of the former battle. The defeat of Brettle added so much to the pugilistic renown of Mace that his backers began to think that there were no fighters in England too good for him, no matter what their weight or color. About this time a big chaw-bacon fellow named Sam Hurst, alias the Staleybridge Infant, weighing about sixteen stone, took it into his head that he could fight and aspired to be champion of England. He was looking for a chance for a match with any man in Great Britain. Mace thought that Hurst would make a capital chopping block for him and was accordingly matched against the "Infant" for £200 a side. Mace cut the big fellow up in eight rounds, which took forty minutes, in the Home Circuit, June 13, 1861. Six months afterwards, January 28, 1862, near the same place where he whipped Sam Hurst, Mace beat Tom King for £200 a side in forty-three rounds, which took him one hour and eight minutes. Before the year was out, however, King turned the tables on Mace, by whipping him in twenty-one rounds, in thirty-eight minutes, for £200 and the champion's belt. This fight also took place in the Home Circuit, November 26, 1862. Mace was not satisfied with the result of the last fight, a chance blow having put him hors de combat, and he accordingly challenged King again, but the latter would not fight him. The next time that Mace entered the ring was with Joe Goss, for £1,000 a side, down the Thames river, on September l, 1863. Nineteen rounds were fought in one hour and fifty-five minutes and a half, when Mace was proclaimed the victor. Joe Coburn next challenged Mace, and went over to England to fight him. Coburn got Mace as far as Dublin, In Ireland; but there he wanted things too much his own way. Coburn not only wanted Mace to go to Tipperary to fight, but to accept of Coburn's uncle as referee. These favors could not he granted by Jem. He would not consent, and the fight fell through. Afterwards Mace was matched to fight Joe Wormald, but the latter had to forfeit through illness. Mace was then on the shelf for a couple of years, no man in the kingdom being willing to fight him, until Joe Goss turned up again for another "shy" with the then recognized champion. They fought for the champion's belt and £200 a side on May 24, 1866, at Longfield Court, near Meopham, and after sparring one round in one hour and five minutes the referee, becoming disgusted with their manner of doing business, declared the affair a draw. Three months later, however, these men fought a real fight in a sixteen foot ring, for £200 a side, in the London district, when Mace whipped Goss in thirty-one minutes, there being twenty-one rounds during the fight. This was Jem Mace's last fight in England previous to his visit to this country. It is true he had been matched to fight the Irish giant, Ned O'Baldwin, but on the morning of the day appointed for the fight to take place Mace was arrested and bound over to keep the peace. Mace has been credited with being the cause of his own arrest from a fear or the issue with the giant, but this, we think, was not the case, for one or his first inquiries after landing in this country was whether he could get fair play here if he could get a match with O'Baldwin, and we guess that had not Tom Allen sent his challenge to Mace as he did the latter would have waited patiently until O'Baldwin was liberated from prison and then offered the giant a challenge. Mace went into training for this fight about the 1st of April, taking about six weeks for the grand preparation, under the mentorship of Jim Cusick and his cousin Pooley, at the Magnolia race course, Mobile, and he appeared in excellent condition when be stepped into the ring.
Tom Allen was born in Birmingham England, in 1841. He is five feet ten inches in his stockings and weighed on this occasion about 190 pounds. He is a finely formed man and a rapid and powerful hitter. His first fight was with a man named White for five pounds a side, on the 3d of April, 1860, in which Allen was on easy victor. In the same year, it is said, he fought a draw with Nobby Hall. In April, 1861, he whipped a man named Clark for ten pounds a side in forty-six minutes, during which time twenty-nine rounds were fought. Then he is credited with having whipped a man by the name of Waggoner, and another by the name of Gould. It is also said or him that he was matched to fight Dan Crutchley, and that affair falling through by Dan being arrested, Posh Price, who was to have been Crutchley's second in the ring, took his place, and whipped Allen in fifty-five minutes. All the above encounters, however, are traditional. The first record in Fistiana of Allen's fighting career Is with Bingy Rose, January 28, 1864, in the Home Circuit, for twenty-five pounds a side. Allen then weighed 140 pounds. He won this fight in ten rounds in twenty minutes. Tom's next fight was with the black pugilist, Bob smith, "a Yankee nigger," who whipped him after a protracted battle of fifty rounds, which lasted one hour and forty-nine minutes. This encounter took place in the Liverpool district, June 2, 1864. His next fight was with J. Parkinson, which was for twenty-five pounds a side at 150 pounds, which took place at Four Ashes, near Wolverhamption. After fighting eleven rounds, in twenty-three minutes, the police interfered, and Parkinson failing to keep an appointment made by the referee Allen received the stakes. On November 28,1865, Posh Price and Allen at Holly Lane, Staffordshire, again met, this time to contend for twenty-flve pounds a side. They fought forty-one rounds in two hours and five minutes, when they were disturbed by the police. Price had himself arrested and Allen was awarded the stakes. Allen afterwards fought George Iles for twenty-five pounds a side at catch weight, at Kingswood, near Birmingham, and whipped him in seventeen rounds in sixty-two minutes. The next and last fight that Allen was engaged in in England was with Joe Goss. The match was for £100 a side, March 5, 1867. They fought in three rings, in the Bristol district, thirty-four rounds in one hour and fifty-two minutes, without either being able to put on the finishing touches. Soon after this Tom Allen left England and came to this country to seek his fortune in his peculiar line of business. He boxed at other people's exhibitions, gave some shows himself, taught the art of self-defense in Baltimore and eventually settled down in St. Louis, where he at present keeps a hostelry. Tom has fought four battles in this country. His first fight was with Bill Davis, which came off at Chateau Island, near St. Louis, on January 12, 1869. Allen won the $2,000 in forty-three rounds in about as many minutes. He was then matched against Charley Gallagher, and was beaten by being knocked out of time in the second round by an accidental blow. His next appearance in the prize ring was with Mike McCoole for $2,000. They fought at Foster's Island, near St. Louis, on the 15th of June, I869. After fighting nine rounds in thirteen minutes, during which time Allen had cut McCoole all to pieces, the ropes were cut and the ring broken in by McCoole's friends, who claimed that Allen was gouging "Big Mike." The referee, Val McKinney, reserved his decision until after his arrival at St. Louis, when he gave it in favor of McCoole upon the alleged foul. On the 17th of August Allen again appeared in the roped arena with Charley Gallagher, at Foster's Island, for $l,000, and had the best of the fight in eleven rounds. in twenty-six minutes. The sponge was thrown up from Gallagher's corner when time was called for the twelfth round, which Allen observing he crossed to his opponent's corner and offered to shake bands, but Gallagher, not knowing that the sponge had been thrown up, struck Allen, who, anticipating a general attack, jumped over the ropes. It was asserted that Tom Kelly, one of Gallagher's seconds, threw up the sponge, but as Kelly denied doing so the referee, in view of the fact that he had not seen the sponge thrown up and that Allen had left the ring before any decision had been given, decided the fight a draw. Each man subsequently received back his money. Gallagher was beaten to a standstill, while Allen was but slightly punished. Subsequent to this fight coming off Allen and McCoole had been matched for another trial of skill and endurance for $2,500 a side, the fight to take place within fifty miles of Cincinnati on November 10, 1869; but when the time for the fight to come off arrived they failed to agree upon a final stakeholder. The McCoole party were to blame for the fizzle, and though the stakes were withdrawn Allen became entitled to the championship. Tom then challenged any man in America up to $10,000, November 26, His challenge was accepted by Jem Mace. who proponed to fight for any amount not less than $5,000 a side. A great deal of letter writing took place, when finally they agreed to fight for $2,500 a side on the l0th of May, within fifty miles of New Orleans. After the preliminaries were arranged Tom Alien travelled about among the Southern and Western cities, giving exhibitions until the end of March, when he returned to St. Louis and went into strict training, under Jack Goulding's mentorship, for the grand battle with Mace. He succeeded in getting himself in excellent condition, and when he entered the ring he said he "never felt better in his life."
The friends of each pugilist have been talking very loudly about the prowess of their favorite and the undoubted ability of each to "lick" the other. The men were certainly in fine condition. Their trainers had been very strict with them, requiring them to undergo all sorts of labor that would tend to reduce their flesh. The weight of Mace was got down to about one hundred and sixty-eight pounds, and Allen to one hundred and seventy-three pounds. This discrepancy in weight, however, did not discourage the friends of Mace. They offered to bet $100 to $75 upon their favorite, hut takers, even at this odds, were scarce. They quoted his successes in former battles in justification of being thus sanguine of success, and money to any extent would have been forthcoming, if necessary, to back their friend. The Metairie Course, the scene of the fight, was put in fine condition for the conflict, and fifty policemen were detailed to preserve order among the roughs. Thus every preparation was made to have the fight pass off without accidents or disorders of any kind. The men came up to their work in fine style, each confident of victory, and seemingly determined to "do or die" in the attempt to carry out the sanguine hopes of his friends. Allen wore the splendid belt presented to him by his friends in Missouri, and the American eagle and the Indian war club seemed significant of the brave and terrific struggle the wearer was about to make. The fight was a severe test of how much pounding a human being Is able to withstand.
The excursion party, announced to leave at four o'clock A. M., got off at five o'clock precisely. There was a large crowd at the Jackson Railroad depot as early as half-past three o'clock A. M.; among whom were prominent merchants, lawyers, physicians, ex-officers of both the Union and Confederate armies, from the grade of general down, and well known sporting men from all parts of the country. At the depot there was a detail of about seventy Metropolitan policemen, who accompanied the train for a distance of one-fourth of a mile, where all persons without ticket were put off the train. This caused a delay of some twenty minutes. The train consisted of nine passenger cars well filled. There were on hoard probably seven hundred persons, about two-thirds of whom were of the better classes. The Chicago Base Ball Club members were among the excursionists. No incident worthy of note occurred prior to the starting. The crowd was very orderly. Upon reaching a point about five and a half miles distant from the city the train stopped, and the cars were instantly emptied, but all hands were ordered aboard again, as it was found the spot was inside of the Metropolitan district.
The train then proceeded to a point about three miles above Kennerville, St. Charles parish, where the whole party entered the field and preparations were made for the contest. The betting was about three to two on Mace, though Allen's friends were very confident. The weather was clear and pleasant. Mace and Allen came to the ground on board a dummy engine, which followed the passenger train. Mace's face did not present as fleshy an appearance as did Allen's. All hands proceeded to the ring, which was pitched near the river, about a mile distant from the railroad.
ROUND 1.-- Rufus Hunt, the referee, called for the men as soon us the ring was pitched, and Allen soon responded, entering, followed closely by Mace. A general hand-shaking then took place and the seconds retired to their corners, leaving the men to begin the battle. Mace had Jim Cusick and Jerry Donovan for his seconds, and Allen was waited on by Joe Coburn and Sherman Thurston. Mace, having won the choice of corners, put his back to the sun; but he soon left that position in his shifting movements. Allen appeared much the heavier man, and although an inch and a half taller than Mace he stands so low in fighting positions that Mace was even with him at that point. At first there was considerable feinting and shifting by the men before a blow was delivered, Mace at length landed his left above Allen's right eye, and, stopping the return, put another left hander on the bridge of the nose, which removed the skin and showed a speck of blood. The first blood was claimed by Mace. They sparred around for some moments when Mace landed a hard one on the pit of Allen's stomach and jumped away laughing. Allen then missed twice with his left at Mace's body. Fine scientific movements ensued for an opening, when Mace let fly his left hand, giving two blows, the first above the left eye and the second on the chin. Tom rushed in with his right hand and hit Mace on the top of the head, when Mace clinched him, and, giving him the back heel, threw Allen and fell on him. The round lasted six minutes.
ROUND 2. -- As the men appeared at the scratch blood was seen on the nose of Allen. His right eye was quite discolored, showing marks of the punishment received in the previous round. After dodging and feinting for a few moments Mace gave Allen a hot one on the mouth with the left. Alien quickly returned and caught Mace on the cheek, but very lightly. On attempting a repetition he failed, and both men again dodged and sparred for a few moments without results. Finally both dropped their hands and chaffed each other, when they resumed operations. Allen threw out his left, which was cleverly stopped; but on a second attempt he landed lightly on Mace's epigastrium. Mace then stepped quickly in and delivered a one-two on the nose and mouth, setting all Allen's teeth chattering, Allen countering with his right on the head, but too high to do any mischief. They then got away from each other, and Mace folded his arms and looked on, during which time Allen made two attempts with the left, but missed each time. Mace then put in a left-hander with terrific effect, nearly closing Allen's right eye. Alien tried to get in body blows, but only succeeded once, in payment for which he received another hard one on the nose, which now began to present the appearance of a large beet. On a spurt Allen managed to reach the top of Mace's head, for which, as usual, he got a receipt in full in the shape of a one-two on the nose, which drew blood freely. Dodging and shifting, both men danced around the ring, and Allen planted a pretty severe left-hander on Mace's stomach, for which he got a tremendous hit in the right eye, followed by another in the mouth, when Tom, swinging his right hand, got home on Mace's neck a sounding plow, and left a mark pretty well the only one that Mace received. Mace then struck home on Allen's mouth, and the blood flowed in torrents upon Allen's breast, and they broke, Mace eyeing Allen and Tom following him up an closely an he could when they got together again Allen struck Mace a body blow, which landed below the navel, and a claim of foul was made and an appeal taken to the referee. Mace at that moment exclaimed "Never mind," and refused to claim the foul. He subsequently took a fell scriptural revenge by a terrible blow on each of Allen's cheeks. Allen made a rush and delivered one of his usual high blows on Mace's head, which did no damage, and both stopped work and took to chaff, Mace remarking, "We're only two brothers fighting." We come this time to the end of the round. Mace had it all his own way, delivering six blows with his left with the rapidity of lightning, the first on Allen's left eye, the second on the nose, the third on the left cheek, the fourth on the right eye, the fifth on the nose, very heavy, and the sixth above the left eye, on receipt of which Allen fell to grass and Mace walked to his corner. The fight had now lasted twelve minutes and had brought out some severe work.
ROUND 3. -- This was very short, and Just as soon as they got to the scratch Mace offered his terrible left, which he used almost exclusively during the fight, on Allen's only remaining serviceable eye, and fell from the very force of his own blow. Allen was now bleeding badly.
ROUND 4. -- A hundred to fifteen on Mace and no takers. After squirming, twisting and dodging like a couple of worms on fish hooks for quite a time, Allen suffering much from the exercise through his comparative stiffness and awkwardness as compared to his lithe and skillful gypsy foe, Mace got in his onedwo again on the nose and month of his opponent and again fell or dropped as if from the exertion of his own blow. A cry of "foul" was raised. Mace jumped up and explained that he had slipped down. The referee told them to fight on. Twenty minutes had now elapsed.
ROUND 5. -- On leading off Allen missed a well-intended body blow and Mace stepped in and planted a left-hander on Allen's nose, for which he gave a counter blow on the left shoulder, which sounded all over the ring, but was not in any place to hurt. They broke and feinted, and Mace, creeping in cautiously, planted his left hand on Allen's prominent and punished nose, and, tripping with his spikes, fell, but quickly recovered and renewed the fight, Mace dodging until at last he saw an opening or made one, which was the same thing, and delivered a stinger below Allen's eye. They then came to a clinch, when Mace threw Allen and fell on him heavily.
ROUND 6. -- Alien's appearance when he came to the scratch was most deplorable. His right eye was closed and his nose and mouth terribly shattered, while Mace had scarcely a scratch. Alien led off with his body blows, but missed, when Jem caught him on a spank on the left cheek and they closed, Allen seizing Mace by his drawers slipped his hands down to the thighs. He evidently had had enough, and wanted to cut the fight right here. The claim of foul was raised, of course, but the referee determined the thing should be squarely fought out, and contented himself by cautioning Allen and ordered the fight to go on.
ROUND 7. -- Allen's right eye having been entirely closed Jem directed his attention to the other, and after walking around Tom a few times he offered his one-two, the first landing lightly on the breast and the other on the right eye, when, dropping his head in the cunning style so peculiarly his own, he let Allen pretty well break his hand over it, retorting by a terrible blow on Allen's disfigured nose. Allen made two drives with his left, out of reach, and by mutual consent they stood off for a breathing spell, both being pretty badly pumped, and the sun being by this time very hot. Starting together again, Allen made for Mace's wind bag, and Mace, stealing in, delivered his left on Tom's right eye, and then on the throttle, with a force sufficient to give him chronic bronchitis for life. They then had a clinch, during which both were very active with their right hands, Tom rapping away at Mace's attic too high to do any damage, while Mace took satisfaction out of Allen's ribs, until both dropped side by side.
ROUND 8. -- There was a good deal of sparring for wind, Mace, with the game in his hands, not caring to throw away any chance, but waiting for an opening, which he soon discovered, and got in a heavy blow on the eye he wanted to shut up, jumping cleverly away on Allen's return. Mace, striking at Allen's head, missed it, but got his arm around Tom's neck and put his frontispiece in chancery, taking advantage of the litigation by bestowing a half dozen heavy blows on the imprisoned suitor. The argument was only terminated by Allen putting out his whole strength and throwing Mace, falling on him heavily.
ROUND 9. -- Much dodging, sparring and feinting; but when operations did begin Mace delivered two sledge-hammer hits on Allen's mouth. The round ended by Tom striking Mace with his right on his gypsy head, which knocked him clean off his pins and laid him out; but, as customary, the blow was too high to do any permanent damage. Allen walked to his corner amid the exulting shouts of his partisans.
ROUND 10 and LAST -- Was longest, severest and most scientific of all. Mace opened the ball by a severe blow on Allen's closed right eye, which cut a gash that came near restoring sight to the eye through a different orifice, and before Tom could recover from the blow Mace was far away and each stood looking at the other, after which Mace sneaked In and delivered his left on Allen's left cheek and got away. Allen now began to beat a retreat, Mace following him up and planting a tremendous hit under the left eye, which cut his cheek as if it had been slit with a bowie knife, the blood a second time pouring down over Allen's breast. A walk around without music followed, when they got to work once more. Tom planted a violent blow on Mace's head, for which he received principal and interest in the shape of a terrific blow on his swollen, distorted nose, and two on the left eye. The blood was now streaming from Allen in torrents, which told that the fight could last but a short time longer. Both took a rest. Allen terminated the truce by leading a forlorn hope against Mace's head -- that head which never could be hurt. Mace replied by a rapid fusillade, one-two-three, on Tom's forehead and left eye. Allen walked away and each went to the posts and rested and afterwards to their corners to get sponged and refreshed. They came up tolerably clean and both seemed determined. Mace now began to close up for the finish, and rattled in four left-handers like a feu de joie on Allen's nose and left eye. The blows literally mashing Into Allen's face. They clinched and wrestled and fell, Mace alighting nearly on the top of his head, In the most extraordinary manner. Allen fell over him, and, it is said, dislocated his shoulder by the fall. At any rate when He was taken to his second's knee it was evident that all the fight was knocked out of him, and instantly Joe Coburn, his second, threw up the sponge and thereby acknowledged Allen's defeat.
Thus in ten rounds, in forty-four minutes, terminated the fight for the championship of America between two of England's best buffers. Allen was carried off the ground with a face mutilated out of all semblance to humanity. Mace had not a visible scratch. This was the last fight in which the victor will ever be engaged, and it has unquestionably proven his best.
Everything passed off quietly and harmoniously. The crowd was orderly, though deeply interested. After the fight was over the party took the train again and returned to this city, where the topic of conversation this evening is the defeat of Allen, which, though expected, was not believed so easy of accomplishment.
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Pugilistica. |
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Richie Cole and Matt Keough, RIP -- May 9, 2020
Sax man Richie Cole, the leader of Alto Madness died, NOT of COVID-19. Vocalese singer Eddie Jefferson played an important part in the band.
Matt Keough who used to pitch for the Athletics, the Yankees and the Hanshin Tigers died at 64.
Friday, May 8, 2020
V-E Day 75 -- May 8, 2020
75 years ago today, on 08-May-1945, the Allies celebrated the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany, which had been accepted the day before. People celebrated in many countries, but remembered that they were still at war with the Empire of Japan.
Let it Be 50 -- May 8, 2020
Thursday, May 7, 2020
The Skipper Has ... A Fine Place to Stop and Fill Up His Sand Box -- May 7, 2020
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Happy Cinco de Mayo, 2020 -- May 5, 2020
Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone. General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguín led the Mexican army which defeated the French invaders at the Battle of Puebla in 1862.
"The national arms have been covered with glory" General Zaragoza wrote in a letter to President Benito Juárez. Some people credit this defeat with preventing French interference in the US Civil War.
Monday, May 4, 2020
Kent State Massacre 50 Years -- May 4, 2020
I wasn't very old when the National Guardsmen shot and killed four people and wounded nine during a demonstration at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio. Nonetheless, it caught my attention because my father had gone to Kent State, and we had visited it a few years before when we went to Ohio. The National Guardsmen were sleep deprived, poorly trained, and over-armed. Some of the demonstrators threw rocks. There were rumors that there was a sniper on the roof of a building.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Pulp -- Black Mask -- May 3, 2020
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www.magazineart.org |
Friday, May 1, 2020
Union Members Are The Heroes on the Frontlines of the Crises -- May 1, 2020
May, 2020 Version of the Cable Car Home Page -- May 1, 2020
I just put the May, 2020 version of my Cable Car Home Page on the server:
It includes some new items:
1. Picture of the Month: This elaborate shelter served Matlock Tramway customers in Crown Square. It now stands in Hall Leys Park. Google Maps Streetview Image updated May 2017. Copyright 2020 Google.
2. On the Cable Trams in the UK page: A ten year update about the Matlock Tramways Company, Ltd, which operated until 1927. Includes present-day images of the line's depot (carbarn) and passenger shelter
3. On the UK page: in the Cliff Lifts article: Ads for for Cliff Railway Day, 2020, which has been cancelled because of the COVID-19 quarantine.
4. Added News items about the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the rescheduled San Francisco History Fair
Ten years ago this month (May, 2010):
1. Picture of the Month: Matlock cable tram 3 carries a good crowd up Bank Road
2. On the UK page: The Matlock Tramways Company, Ltd, which operated until 1927
3. On the More Muni Photos page: photos of Powell and Market in the early morning
4. Added News item about Willa Johnson, the second gripwoman
5. Added date for the 2010 Cable Car Bell Ringing Contest
Twenty years ago this month (May, 2000):
1. Picture of the Month: Mystery Picture Number One
2. Roll out Mystery Picture Contest page
3. Roll out article by Emiliano J Echeverria about the California/Powell signal tower on the San Francisco Miscellany page. Add references on How/CSC/FCH/Muni pages.
4. Add DOA to Movies Which Feature Cable Cars list.
5. Add info about new Car 9 to roster. Add story to bibliography.
6. Add link for Harry Marnell's California Trolleys page. Add link to SF Seals web site.
Coming in June:
On the Cable Car Lines in Chicago page: On the UK page: A ten year update on the Edinburgh Northern Cable Tramways/Edinburgh and District Tramways Company, Ltd
The Cable Car Home Page now has a Facebook page:
Joe Thompson
The Cable Car Home Page (updated 01-May-2020)
San Francisco Bay Ferryboats (updated 31-January-2019)
Park Trains and Tourist Trains (updated 31-July-2019)
The Pneumatic Rolling-Sphere Carrier Delusion (updated spasmodically)
The Big V Riot Squad (new blog)
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