Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The Lynching Record For the First Six Months -- July 9, 2024

Salt Lake City Broad Ax, 12-July-1924

July 5, 1924.

Julius F. Taylor,

Dear Sir:-- 

The following statistics on lynching for the first six months of the year 1924 have been compiled by the Department of Records and Research of Tuskegee Institute.

Total number lynched, 5. Offenses charged: Rape, 3; Attempted rape, 1; Killing Officer of the law, 1.

Record by states: Florida, 2; Georgia, 2; South Carolina, 1.

Comparison of Records: First six months of 1924, 5; of 1923, 15; of 1922, 30; of 1921, 36.

It is gratifying to note that the record thus far for the year 1924 is the lowest for the first six months of any of the forty years during which the record has been kept. It is an encouraging sign of progress toward the elimination of this evil, which is condemned by public opinion. It is an indication of the growing sentiment against lawlessness in general, and in my judgment a result of the spread and influence of interracial co-operation. All of the persons lynched were Negroes.

Yours very truly,
R. R. Moton,

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