Wednesday, July 10, 2024

New Orleans Joys -- July 10, 2024

Indianapolis Star, 24-July-1924

Gennett Records' offerings included "Perfect Rag" and "New Orleans (Blues) Joys," by Jelly Roll Morton. Morton was a great composer and pianist. His name may have been Ferdinand Joseph LaMothe or LaMenthe or something else. He told many wonderful stories about himself and some were probably true.  He said that he invented jazz.  He didn't, but he had a lot to do with its growth and increasing sophistication.  He spent time in San Francisco, playing in the Barbary Coast, where he owned a club called the Jupiter. He said the cops drove him out of town.  I would like to write a story about that. 

Jelly Roll Morton - Perfect Rag

Jelly " Roll" Morton New Orleans Joys

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