Friday, March 11, 2022

Lynching -- Bullets Fail to Stop Him -- March 11, 2022

Salt Lake City Broad Ax, 27-March-1897

The Broad Ax was an African-American owned newspaper. I was surprised to learn that there was such a thing in Salt Lake City in 1897. In 1899, owner Julius F Taylor moved the newspaper to Chicago.

Dragged from Prison by a Mob, a
Negro, Wounded, Fights His Way
Through a Storm of Bullets.

Lynchburg, Va., March 15. -- William Clement, a negro in jail here on a charge of felonious assault, was dragged from his cell early today by a lynching party. He resisted desperately and his captors opened fire on him with the same revolvers which had cowed the Sheriff.

Although severely injured the negro fought on, and at the jail entrance shook himself free and bolted through the armed crowd. In a storm of bullets he scaled an eight foot fence and escaped.

The mob dispersed and later the Sheriff found Clement lying in a nearby house with six bullets in his body. He was taken back to the jail in a critical condition. In the fight he tore the masks from several of his adversaries, and warrants have been issued for the arrest of those whom he recognized. -- N. Y. World.

Richmond Planet, 21-August-1897

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