Thursday, March 10, 2022

Kellar, Magician, Dies in California -- March 10, 2022

Wilmington Evening Journal, 11-March-1922

Master magician Harry Kellar died 100 years ago today, on 10-March-1922.


LOS ANGELES, March 11 -- Harry Kellar, world-famous magician, died at his home here yesterday after two years' ill health and a severe illness of several weeks. He was 73 years old.

Kellar was born in Erie, Pa., July 11, 1849, and in boyhood was apprenticed to a chemist of his native town. Later he sold papers in New York. An English clergyman named Harcourt adopted him, and took him to Canandaigua, N. Y., where the boy began studying for the ministry.

His first professional engagement was as the assistant to the "Fakir of Ava." an Illusionist.

Kellar was master of a dozen languages and had arithmetic and algebra at instant command. He invented several mysterious illusions which defied investigation, retired from the stage May 17, 1908, his last performance being in Ford's Opera House. In Baltimore. Md.

I would love to see his Self Decapitation. 

From the Facebook Group Vintage Advertising and Poster Art

Salt Lake Herald, 29-November-1898

Kellar performed the Self Decapitation along with the Hindoo Clock and "Kellar's masterpiece, The Blue Room," at the Salt Lake Theater on 29-November-1898.  He was accompanied by Mrs Kellar

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