Saturday, February 1, 2020

February, 2020 Version of the Cable Car Home Page -- February 1, 2020

I just put the February, 2020 version of my Cable Car Home Page on the server:

It includes some new items:
1. Picture of the Month: A North Chicago Street Railroad train at Clark Street and North Avenue. Note the two trailers. (Source: Chicago Public Library Digital Collection, Repository number RLVCC 1.1056. All rights reserved).
2. On the Chicago page, A ten and twenty year update about the the widely hated North Chicago Street Railroad
3. Added News items about the cable cars decorated to honor the 49ers visit to the Super Bowl and the retirement of Sir Francis Drake Hotel Tom Sweeney.

Ten years ago this month (February, 2010):
1. Picture of the Month: The LaSalle Street powerhouse was "Michael Jordan's The Restaurant(tm)" for many years.
2. On the Chicago page, more about the widely hated North Chicago Street Railroad, including a selection from the 1898 Report of Special Committee of the City Council of Chicago on the Street Railway Franchises & Operations, an advertisement for investors, a cartoon and some contemporary newspaper articles:
-- Chicago -- Patent Lawsuit (Sacramento Daily Record-Union, Wednesday, December 21, 1887)
-- Chicago -- Runaway Horse Car (San Francisco Morning Call, Sunday, October 03, 1890)
-- Chicago -- Cable Cars to Carry Bicycles (Saint Paul Daily Globe, Sunday, May 30, 1897)
-- Chicago -- Making Money From Cable Cars (Omaha Daily Bee, Saturday, July 1, 1899)
3. On the Cable Car Models page, photos and a video of Garden Scale Cable Cars
4. On the Horse Car Home Page, a John Stephenson ad and a Chicago newspaper article

Twenty years ago this month (February, 2000):
1. Picture of the Month: North Chicago cable trains at the La Salle Street tunnel, Chicago
2. Add North Chicago Street Railway to Chicago page.
3. Add article about the Patent Trust to the Miscellany page
4. Add C T Yerkes to the Who page
5. Move Thanks/Links to a separate page
6. Add postcard of former cable car used on Mount Tamalpais railroad to San Francisco/Omnibus page
7. Add information about iron pergola in Seattle
8. Add information about modern Portland, Victoria tourist cable tram project to the Melbourne page

150 years ago, on 26-February-1870, the Beach Pneumatic Subway started operating.

125 years ago, on 25-February-1895, a cable train of the West Chicago Street Railroad collided with a horse car.

Coming in March, 2020: On the Cable Car Lines in Chicago page: A ten and twenty year update about the West Chicago Street Railroad

The Cable Car Home Page now has a Facebook page:

Joe Thompson
The Cable Car Home Page (updated 01-February-2020)
San Francisco Bay Ferryboats (updated 31-January-2019)
Park Trains and Tourist Trains (updated 31-July-2019)
The Pneumatic Rolling-Sphere Carrier Delusion (updated spasmodically)
The Big V Riot Squad (new blog)

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