Sunday, January 26, 2020

January, 2020 Version of the Cable Car Home Page -- January 26, 2020

Due to the medical issues of a family member, I am shamefully late in putting out my January updates.

I just put the January, 2020 version of my Cable Car Home Page on the server: 

It includes some new items:
1. Picture of the Month: A three car (grip car and two trailers) Chicago City Railway Wabash/Cottage Grove Avenue train terminates at Jackson Park. (source: Chicago Tribune Historical Photographs; CTA).
2. On the Chicago page, A ten and twenty year update about the Chicago City Railway, one of the most successful cable traction companies in the industry.

Ten years ago this month (January, 2010):
1. Picture of the Month: A stereo view of "State Street north from Madison" in Chicago
2. On the Chicago page, more about the Chicago City Railway, including a selection from the 1898 Report of Special Committee of the City Council of Chicago on the Street Railway Franchises & Operations and contemporary newspaper article:
-- Chicago -- Gripman Killed (Saint Paul Daily Globe, Friday, February 03, 1882)
-- THE CABLE-CAR LINE/Progress of the Work -- Eleven Trains and the Horse-Cars Still Running (Omaha Daily Bee, Wednesday, February 15, 1882)
-- Chicago -- Third Fatality (Sacramento Daily Record-Union, Saturday, March 25, 1882)
-- Chicago -- Fifteenth Victim (Saint Paul Daily Globe, Monday, September 04, 1882)
-- Killed by a Cable Car. (New-York Tribune, Wednesday, November 6, 1893)
-- STOPS CHICAGO CABLE LINES./The City Begins Active War on Street Car Company. (New-York Tribune, Thursday, January 18, 1906)
-- CABLES MAKE LAST RUN ON STREET IN CHICAGO (San Francisco Call, Sunday, July 23, 1906)
3. Added Bibliography item about Mayor Newsome's proposal to fill in part of Hallidie Plaza and install a reservoir or cistern below it
4. Added News and Bibliography items about the discovery of a relic of Saint Paul Minnesota's Selby Avenue cable car line

Twenty years ago this month (January, 2000):
1. Picture of the Month: State Street, Chicago
2. Roll out Chicago page with Chicago City Railway and excerpt from The Pit by Frank Norris.
3. Add Miscellany page
4. Add C B Holmes and Asa Hovey to the Who page
5. Add items about Muni's New Year's Eve plans to news and bibliography
6. Add links to Library of Congress page about cable cars and Don's Railspo

Coming in January, 2020: On the Cable Car Lines in Chicago page: A ten and twenty year update about the Chicago City Railway, one of the most successful companies in the industry

The Cable Car Home Page now has a Facebook page:

Joe Thompson
The Cable Car Home Page (updated 01-January-2020) 
San Francisco Bay Ferryboats (updated 31-January-2019)
Park Trains and Tourist Trains (updated 31-July-2019)
The Pneumatic Rolling-Sphere Carrier Delusion (updated spasmodically)
The Big V Riot Squad (new blog)

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