Sunday, September 1, 2019

September, 2019 Version of the Cable Car Home Page -- September 1, 2019

Los Angeles Herald, 29-March-1901
I just put the September, 2019 version of my Cable Car Home Page on the server:

It includes some new items:
1. Picture of the Month: A view of the planned Angels Flight in Los Angeles (Source: Los Angeles Herald, March 29, 1901).
2. On the Los Angeles area funiculars page: A ten and twenty year update about Angels Flight, including some newspaper items
Ten years ago this month (September, 2009):
1. Picture of the Month: An early Angels Flight advertising flier, including a photo of Colonel JW Eddy, who built the line and operated it
2. On the Los Angeles area funiculars page: More about the Angels Flight, including photos from Joe Lacey, tickets, and an old flier, and several contemporary newspaper articles:
3. On the Los Angeles area funiculars page: Two contemporary newspaper articles about the Mount Lowe incline
4. On the Motorized Cable Cars page: A strange-looking double decker
5. Added News item about a new animated video, "Cubbie the Cable Car"
6. Added link for MunsonWorks, a manufacturer of inclined elevators

Twenty years ago this month (September, 1999):
1. Picture of the Month: Angel's Flight.
2. Roll out Los Angeles area funiculars/Angel's Flight on the Other California Cities page
3. Add link to new site from the Friends of the Cable Car Museum
4. Add cable car sudden stop to news & bibliography
Coming in October, 2019: On the Los Angeles area funiculars page: Ten and twenty year updates about Court Flight and the Catalina inclines

125 years ago, on 19-September-1944, a cable tramway began running between King and Ocean Streets, Sydney, New South Wales.

The Cable Car Home Page now has a Facebook page:

Joe Thompson
The Cable Car Home Page (updated 01-September-2019)
San Francisco Bay Ferryboats (updated 31-January-2019)
Park Trains and Tourist Trains (updated 31-July-2019)
The Pneumatic Rolling-Sphere Carrier Delusion (updated spasmodically)
The Big V Riot Squad (new blog)

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