Friday, February 1, 2019

The New Pacific Mail Freighter Aztec -- February 1, 2019

San Francisco Call, 27-June-1895

William A Coulter did many maritime drawings for the San Francisco Call. The Pacific Mail Steamship Company had a monopoly on carrying the United States Mail across the Pacific. It also did a big business in passengers and freight to and from Australia, New Zealand, the Kingdom of Hawaii, Japan and China.  SS Aztec was torpedoed and sunk by a German U Boat on 01-April-1917. 

The Pacific Mail people are busy loading their new freight steamer Aztec for her first trip to Panama and way ports. Over 4500 tons of cargo will be packed into the huge vessel, which sails Friday noon.

The steamer, which was first called the Canterbury, was built at the Edwards shipyard at Howden-on-Tyne, for the grain and cattle trade. She was not satisfactory to the owners, and was thrown back upon the builders' hands. She was finally disposed of to the Pacific Mail for $41,000, a bargain, considering she is new and constructed wholly of steel, and in the strongest possible manner. The Aztec is 350 feet long, 43 feet in beam and 30 feet in depth. Her trial speed was 13 knots, though 9 knots an hour is her usual run.

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