Friday, February 1, 2019

February, 2019 Version of the Cable Car Home Page -- February 1, 2019

I just put the February, 2019 version of my Cable Car Home Page on the server: 

It includes some new items:
1. Picture of the Month: A train of the Temple Street Cable Railway in Los Angeles near Temple and Hoover Streets in 1889. Digitally reproduced by the USC Digital Archive (c) 2004, California Historical Society: TICOT/Pierce, CHS-7070. All rights reserved.
2. On the Other California Cities page: A ten and twenty year update on the Temple Street Cable Railway, the most successful cable traction line in Los Angeles
3. On the Roster page: Thank you to retired gripman MJ McClure, some interesting items about the history of Powell Street car 20.
4. Added News items from SFMTA's Twitter updates about cable cars 

Ten years ago this month (February, 2009):
1. Picture of the Month:
2. On the Australia/New Zealand page: Thanks to Bob Murphy, photographs of the North Carlton winding house and tram shed in Melbourne A photo of a Melbourne cable winding house and tram shed, taken by Bob Murphy
3. On the Other California Cities page: A contemporary newspaper article about the Temple Street Cable Railway in Los Angeles: -- AT LAST/The Temple Street Cable Road Completed (Los Angeles Times, Wednesday, July 14, 1886)
4. On the Motion Pictures Which Feature Cable Cars page: Thanks to Jack Tillmany, I added Mr Billion
5. Added News and Chronology items about a collision between a California Street car and a Powell Street car 

Twenty years ago this month (February, 1999):
1. Picture of the Month: Los Angeles Temple Street Cable Railway cable train.
2. Roll out Los Angeles Temple Street Cable Railway on the Other California Cities page
3. Add car 512 toy picture to main page, Hallidie picture to Who page, and Collins Street picture to Melbourne page
4. Add SF Beautiful link to Who page
5. Add Fickeworth book to bibliography
6. Add news item about California Street conduit replacement
7. Roll out train spotting page 

125 years ago this month, on 11-February-1894, Manhattan's Third Avenue Railroad extended its Third Avenue line.

125 years ago this month, on 19-February-1894, San Francisco's Market Street Railway extended the Sacramento-Clay line from Walnut Street via Lake and 6th Avenue to D Street (Fulton) Golden Gate Park for the Midwinter Fair.

125 years ago this month, on 26-February-1894, San Francisco's Market Street Railway extended the Powell-Jackson and Ferries-Jackson lines to Golden Gate Park via the extended Sacramento-Clay line on Sundays and holidays for the Midwinter Fair.

Coming in March, 2019: On the Other California Cities page: A ten and twenty year update on the ill-fated Los Angeles Cable Railway/Pacific Cable Railway

On my San Francisco Bay Ferryboats page: I added an item about two new ferry services that launched in January:

The Cable Car Home Page now has a Facebook page:

Joe Thompson
The Cable Car Home Page (updated 01-February-2019)
San Francisco Bay Ferryboats (updated 31-January-2019)
Park Trains and Tourist Trains (updated 30-September-2018)
The Pneumatic Rolling-Sphere Carrier Delusion (updated spasmodically)
The Big V Riot Squad (new blog)

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