Tuesday, January 1, 2019

January, 2019 Version of the Cable Car Home Page -- January 1, 2019

I just put the January, 2019 version of my Cable Car Home Page on the server:

It includes some new items:
1. Picture of the Month: A detail from a real estate ad offering lots along the the Second Street Cable Railway, the first cable traction line in Los Angeles. (Source: Los Angeles Herald, 22-December-1885).
2. On the Other California Cities page: A ten and twenty year update on the Temple Street Cable Railway, the most successful cable traction line in Los Angeles
3. On the Decorated Cable Cars page: Cable cars decorated for Christmas, 2018.
4. On the San Francisco page: More photos of the Transbay Transit Center Aerial Tram, which can't start service until they finish repairs on the cracked support beams
5. Added News item about New Year's Eve cable car service

Ten years ago this month (January, 2009):
1. Picture of the Month: A train of the Second Street Cable Railway in Los Angeles passes through the line's deep cut in Bunker Hill
2. On the Other California Cities page: Newspaper articles about the Second Street Cable Railway in Los Angeles:
- Second Street Cable Railway Seeks Subscriptions/1 (Los Angeles Times, Tuesday, February 3, 1885)
- Second Street Cable Railway Seeks Subscriptions/2 (Los Angeles Times, Saturday, February 7, 1885)
- Second Street Cable Railway Tested (Los Angeles Times, Friday, October 9, 1885)
- Second Street Cable Railway -- Unpaid Cable Bill (Los Angeles Times, Saturday, October 26, 1889)
- Second Street Cable Railway -- Conduit Blocked (Los Angeles Times, Thursday, December 5, 1889)
3. On the Decorated Cable Cars page: Cable cars decorated for Christmas, 2008.
4. Added News item about the annual senior luncheon. Also News and Bibliography items about an SUV running into a Powell Street car 

Twenty years ago this month (January, 1999):
1. Picture of the Month: Los Angeles Second Street Cable Railway cable train
2. Roll out Other California Cities page with the Los Angeles Second Street Cable Railway
3. Add link about the Katoomba Scenic Railway to the Australia page. 

125 years ago this month, on 27-January-1894, San Francisco's California Midwinter International Exposition of 1894 opened in Golden Gate Park

100 years ago this month, on 09-January-1919, the Los Angeles and Mount Washington Railway, a funicular, was abandoned.

Coming in February, 2019:
 On the Other California Cities page: A ten and twenty year update on the Temple Street Cable Railway, the most successful cable traction line in Los Angeles

On my San Francisco Bay Ferryboats page: I added an item about the gates being rearranged at the Ferry Building:

The Cable Car Home Page now has a Facebook page:

Joe Thompson
The Cable Car Home Page (updated 01-January-2019)
San Francisco Bay Ferryboats (updated 31-December-2018)
Park Trains and Tourist Trains (updated 30-September-2018)
The Pneumatic Rolling-Sphere Carrier Delusion (updated spasmodically)
The Big V Riot Squad (new blog)

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