Monday, December 1, 2014

Annie Street Changes -- December 1, 2014

Friday I went to the California Historical Society to buy a book at lunchtime.  I was in a hurry to get back for a 12:30 meeting, so I took Muni Metro out to Montgomery.  I came up the escalator by the Palace Hotel and saw fences blocking off the Market Street end of Annie Street.  The image above shows what they are planning to do, which doesn't look all that much unlike what was there before, except I don't see any homeless people in the drawing. 

Along the narrow walkway next to the Palace was another drawing showing what they had in mind for the Mission Street end. 

When I got to Ambrose Bierce Alley, I met my old friend Tim, who is homeless.  He showed me the arrangement at the Mission Street end.  He said it had been there about two months.  He thinks it might last six months.  He says people from the clubs will sit around and smoke and throw their cigarette butts all over since there are no ashtrays.  He said they'll dump beer bottles all over too, since there are no trash cans.  He said if that doesn't do it, the crack heads will move in.  I think Tim is right. 

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