Thursday, December 12, 2013

Shanty Hogan -- December 12, 2013

Inspired by the book Few and Chosen: Defining Giants Greatness Across the Eras by Giants great Bobby Thomson and Phil Pepe, I thought I would devote my nickname meme to Giants players for the next several months. 

Catcher Frank (James Francis) Hogan was a big man who kept getting bigger because of his eating habits.  He was called Shanty because he was built like a house of some sort.  He played for the New York Giants during the last part of John McGraw's tenure as Giants manager, and they had many conflicts over Hogan's weight.  Hogan played for other teams in both leagues. 

Bobby Thomson listed him as one of the Giants great catchers, along with Roger Bresnahan, Chief Meyers and Wes Westrum.  The book was written before Buster Posey came up. 

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