Thursday, December 12, 2013

Book: Few and Chosen: Defining Giants Greatness Across the Eras -- December 12, 2013

We were visiting Half Moon Bay last month and chanced to stop at Bay Books, a wonderful store.  The owner saw my Giants cap and led me over to the sports shelf.  He mentioned that his uncle had been an executive with the San Francisco Seals. 

He strongly recommended the book Few and Chosen: Defining Giants Greatness Across the Eras by Giants great Bobby Thomson and Phil Pepe.  I took his advice and bought it.  I enjoyed it greatly. 

As Bill James has pointed out, many old ball players like to say the game has gone downhill since they played.  Bobby Thomson was not that way.  He includes players up to the era of Matt Williams, Jeff Kent and Barry Bonds. 

Thomson told many stories about the men he played with, and the men he met during later years. 

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