Sunday, July 28, 2024

Evansville Airship and Its Inventor -- July 28, 2024

Saint Paul Globe, 04-June-1899


EVANSVILLE, Ind., June 3. -- (Special.) --The Aerial Navigation company's airship was tested tonight, under the direction of Its inventor, Arcidas Farmer, and was entirely satisfactory. The manufacturer of the balloon did not arrive as was expected. Mr. Farmer was too impatient to wait longer and decided to make another test. About 3 o'clock this afternoon Mr. Farmer commenced getting things in order to inflate the balloon, and at 6 o'clock attempted to make the ascent himself, but discovered that the balloon would not raise his weight.

He then placed his son Dorris in the car in his place. The boy understands the working of the machinery perfectly and made the ascent to a height of about forty feet above the ground, but on account of a brisk wind which was blowing from the southeast it was found that the flying machine would not answer to the steering apparatus properly, and the test was postponed until this evening.

At half past 8 o'clock tonight the balloon was again Inflated, and Dorris Farmer again made the ascent, allowing the airship to rise to a height of sixty feet above the earth. There was but little wind to interfere with the test, and the lad had no difficulty in managing it as he desired.

He steered the machine in different directions, making several circuits above the base ball park, where the exhibition or test was made. There were fully 200 people present, including the stockholders in the company and a number of scientific men of considerable prominence in this section of the state. They watched the movements of the aerial vessel with great Interest as it moved about above their heads, under the control of the boy. If the balloon can be inflated sufficiently to raise the weight of the inventor, he will make another public test Sunday afternoon.

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