Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Negro Moves Into Good Neighborhood; Is Nearly Lynched -- May 7, 2024

Daily Worker, 15-May-1924

I was interested to find an article about lynching in The Daily Worker. The Communist Party of the USA earned some credit with people for speaking out against lynching before any nation organization except the NAACP. I was also interested to see that this incident took place across the bay in Piedmont, a suburb of Oakland. 

Negro Moves Into
Good Neighborhood;
Is Nearly Lynched

OAKLAND, Cal., May 14. — It is alright for a Negro to live in West Oakland -— in fact most of the Pullman porters on the transcontinental lines have their homes here. But when a Negro tries to buy a home in the fashionable Piedmont district of Oakland, that is another story. Sidney Bearing, a wealthy colored man, attempted to bring up his family away from slum influences, and had to a mob of 500 white neighbors who threatened to lynch him. Rescued by the police, Bearing agreed to sell the house he had bought.

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