Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May, 2024 Version of the Cable Car Home Page -- May 1, 2024


Baltimore Sun, 08-June-1891

I just put the May 2024 version of my Cable Car Home Page on the server:

It includes some new items:

  1. Picture of the Month: In this want ad item, a gentleman wants to sell "his handsome Kentucky-Bred Family and Road HORSE." The ad emphasizes that the horse is "not afraid of cable cars, steam or road objects." (source: want ad, Baltimore Sun, 08-June-1891.)
  2. On the Cable Car Lines in the District of Columbia and Baltimore page: A ten year update about the Baltimore Traction Company including contemporary newspaper items. Cable traction did not arrive in Baltimore until 1891, after all other US cities except Tacoma.
  3. Added News item about low ridership on the cable cars.

Ten years ago this month (May, 2014):

  1. Picture of the Month: Baltimore Traction Company Car 8. (source: Street Railways: Their Construction, Operation and Maintenance by CB Fairchild).
  2. On the Cable Car Lines in the District of Columbia and Baltimore page: The Baltimore Traction Company. Cable traction did not arrive in Baltimore until 1891, after all other US cities except Tacoma.
  3. On the Who page: Added a profile from the Street Railway Journal about JCH Stut, who worked on most of the San Francisco lines
  4. Added News item about California Street Cable Railroad car 11 up for auction

Twenty years ago this month (May, 2004):

  1. Picture of the Month: People protest the end of the O'Farrell/Jones/Hyde line
  2. Added newspaper articles about the decision to abandon most of the former Cal Cable system, the last days of the O'Farrell/Jones/Hyde line, the cutback of the California Street mainline, and Proposition E. Added a new essay by Walter Rice about Gellett Burgesss' poem "The Ballad of the Hyde Street Grip", with a recorded reading by Craig Hulsebos of KEAR radio. Also updated the Cal Cable page.
  3. Is It "Mahoney" or "Mahony?", a new essay by Walter Rice
  4. Migrated some more items from the Cable Car Museum site:
    • San Francisco Cable Car Chronology by Walter Rice
    • SAN FRANCISCO: that was THE CITY that was by Val Golding
  5. Thanks to Val Golding and Walter Rice for allowing me to be the new host of this material

In January 2024 I started on a long overdue process of cleaning things up on my site. I started with the development pages. Actually, I guess I started last year with making the thumbnails 200 pixels instead of 100.

Coming in June, 2024: On the Cable Car Lines in the District of Columbia and Baltimore page: A ten year update about the The Baltimore Traction Company. Cable traction did not arrive in Baltimore until 1891, after all other US cities except Tacoma

125 Years Ago This Month (May, 1899): May 21 - Oakland Cable Railway (Oakland, California) converted

25 Years Ago This Month (May, 1999): May 01 - The Funiculaire du Vieux Québec, which had been closed since a fatal accident in 1996, reopened

The Cable Car Home Page now has a Facebook page:

The Cable Car Home Page also has an Instagram page:

Joe Thompson
The Cable Car Home Page (updated 01-May-2024)
San Francisco Bay Ferryboats (updated 31-March-2024)
Park Trains and Tourist Trains (updated 29-February-2024)
The Pneumatic Rolling-Sphere Carrier Delusion (updated spasmodically)
The Big V Riot Squad (updated obsessively)

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