Saturday, May 11, 2024

Fleet Walker Dies -- May 11, 2024

Louisville Courier-Journal, 17-May-1924

Moses Fleetwood Walker, who died 100 years ago today, on 11-May-1924, was the first man of color to play major league baseball without passing as white. His brother, Weldy Walker, was the second. Fleet Walker played for Oberlin College and the University of Michigan. In 1883, he served as a catcher for the Toledo Blue Stockings in the Northwestern League. After winning the league championship, the Blue Stockings moved to the American Association in 1884. The American Association of that time was regarded as a major league. After injuries caused him to miss more than half the team's games, the financially challenged Blue Stockings released Fleet Walker in September. Walker encountered much racism. He played in the minor leagues until 1889.

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