Monday, April 1, 2024

Mad Volcano Destroys City -- April 1, 2024

Minneapolis Journal, 08-April-1906


Ten Thousand Leave Doomed
City in Nick
of Time.

Detonations Continue With
Frequent Brilliant Electric Flashes.

New York Herald Special Service.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 8. -- Telegraph Hill is still in violent eruption and the panic in the neighborhoods near the volcano is increasing.

The neighborhood of North Beach and the northern waterfront were burned today by the lava which flowed from the crater. The inhabitants abandoned the city, in time to save their lives. They had lingered in the hope of saving their belongings, but the destroying stream advanced so fast that they finally fled in terror, leaving their possessions behind.

The hill is enveloped in a dense cloud of smoke, steam and dust. Besides the lava, huge blocks of rocks are emitted. The upper part of the funicular railway has been destroyed. A heavy rain is falling and this adds to the discomfort of the residents who have been compelled to abandon their homes and camp in the parks and squares.

An appeal for aid was sent to Governor Pardee by Mayor Eugene Schmitz. He asked for troops and artillery wagons from the National Guard to assist. New craters have opened in the sides of the hill, some of them opposite the city's Financial District.

Other Cities in Peril.

The eastern side of the hill, weakened by years of quarrying, collapsed during the initial eruption, sending a wall of rocks and debris across the warehouse district and into the bay. The resulting tidal wave caused undetermined damage all along the east shore of the bay.

More Craters Open.

New craters have opened and from them the lava is pouring down the hillsides in wide streams. It
Continued on 3d Page, 6th Column.

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