Thursday, April 4, 2024

Athletics Carry on Their Tradition -- April 4, 2024

Philadelphia Inquirer, 09-November-1954

The Philadelphia Athletics were a baseball franchise founded by Connie Mack in 1901. The franchise has two strong traditions: 1. They build up a strong team and then have a fire sale because they can't pay their good players. 2. Attendance tanks and they don't make enough money, so they cut and run for another city. They moved to Kansas City in 1955 and Oakland in 1968. In 2025 they will play in Sacramento. In 2028, if the new stadium is ready, they will play in Las Vegas. I wonder how long it will be until they leave Las Vegas.

Philadelphia Inquirer, 09-November-1954

Kansas City Star, 25-June-1967

East Bay Times, 04-April-2024

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