Monday, March 14, 2022

Eighth Annual Buster Keaton Blogathon -- March 14, 2021

Moving Picture World, 10-September-1921

This post is part of the Eighth Annual Buster Keaton Blogathon, hosted by Lea at Silent-ology

For the first annual blogathon, I wrote about Buster Keaton's time in vaudeville: The 3-4-5 Keatons.
For the second annual blogathon, I wrote about Buster Keaton and the Passing Show of 1917, the show he signed for after leaving vaudeville. 
For the third annual blogathon, I wrote about Buster's transition from vaudeville to the movies, Buster Keaton: From Stage to Screen
For the fourth annual blogathon, I wrote about Buster Keaton's time in the US Army: Buster Keaton Goes to War
For the fifth annual blogathon, I wrote about Buster Keaton's time making short comedies with Roscoe Arbuckle, Comique: Roscoe, Buster, Al and Luke
For the sixth annual blogathon I wrote about Buster Keaton's First Feature: The Saphead 
For the seveth annual blogathon I wrote about Buster Keaton's Silent Shorts -- Reel One, a series of films produced during 1920-1921. Buster and his team had a very high batting average.

For the Eighth Annual Blogathon, I am writing about the Buster Keaton shorts produced for the second season, 1921-1923:

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