Sunday, March 27, 2022

Coulter -- Lost in the Fog Off This Port for Nearly Five Days -- March 27, 2022

San Francisco Call, 08-September-1904

William A Coulter did many maritime drawings for the San Francisco Call. Click on the image for a larger view. 


The British bark Poltalloch arrived yesterday, 168 days from Antwerp, via Flushing. She was detained in Flushing Roads for fifteen days by westerly gales. Heavy weather was encountered off Cape Horn and after rounding the storm battered headland light winds made slow calling for the rest of the passage. The Poltalloch was caught in the fog off Point Reyes Saturday afternoon and has been ever since trying to find the Golden Gate. The tug Relief found her outside and towed her to an anchorage off Meiggs wharf. Her cargo includes 950 tons of coke, 200 tons of iron girders, 2000 barrels of cement and 400 casks of wines, spirits and beer.

The French bark General Mellinet, 144 days from Swansea, also arrived yesterday. She brought 2558 tons of coal.

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