Thursday, March 3, 2022

Alexander Graham Bell 175 -- March 3, 2022

Alexander Graham Bell, who patented the first usable telephone, was born 175 years ago today, on 03-March-1847.

When I was young, one of my favorite spots in the house was a big set of shelves in the basement that had every issue of National Geographic, in order by date, going back to the mid-1950s. One of my favorite issues had a long article about Alexander Graham Bell and his many discoveries and projects. I am trying to find the date of the issue. I loved the stuff about the Photophone, the Graphaphone (improved phonograph), the hydrofoil and especially his interest in aeronautics.

After my dad died, my uncle decided that he needed to clean up my mother's basement. He threw away all of the Geographics. I still get upset about that.

When I was young, some people still joked that Don Ameche invented the telephone.

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