Saturday, February 5, 2022

Old Hoss Radbourn 125 Years -- February 5, 2022

The Copper County Evening News, 08-February-1922

Pitcher Charley Radbourn, Old Hoss, had a record of 60-12 for the 1884 Providence Grays. After pitcher Charlie Sweeney quit the team in July, Radbourn started nearly every game, 40, and won 36 of them. He retired with a record of 309-194. The "e" at the end of his family name came and went in different newspapers.

The "revolution in 1890" was the founding of the Players League by players who were unhappy with the situation in the National League and the American Association.

Expires of Paresis at Bloomington -- He
Never Had a Superior.

Bloomington, Ills., Feb. 8. -- Charles Radbourne, the famous base ball player, died at 1:50 o'clock Friday afternoon, at his home In this city. He had been sinking for more than a year, suffering from paresis and a general giving away of the nervous system. On Wednesday his physical energy suddenly collapsed, and convulsions followed. He lost consciousness and remained in a comatose condition until death came.

Radbourne was born in Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1854, of English parentage. The family came to Bloomington soon thereafter and have resided here ever since. Radbourne's first appearance as a pitcher was with Peoria in 1878. When the Providence franchise was purchased by four league clubs, A. H. Soden of the Roston club secured Radbourne through the deal. He remained a member of the Bostons until the revolution in 1890. The next year he signed with Cincinnati, but at the end of the season he retired, badly broken in health. Since then, he had remained in retirement at his Bloomington home, spending most of his time in hunting and fishing. Radbourne was married ten years ago to a Boston woman, who with her son, now a young man of 25, moved to this city. Two years ago, Radbourne lost the sight of an eye by the accidental discharge of a gun, a mishap which preyed greatly upon his mind. When he retired from the diamond, he purchased a business building and engaged in the saloon business, also conducting a billiard room and resort for sportsmen. For some months he had been unable to attend to business, Radbourne was one of the very greatest pitchers that ever played the national game.

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