Wednesday, December 1, 2021

December, 2021 Version of the Cable Car Home Page -- December 1, 2021

Trolley Topics, January, 1952

I just put the December, 2021 version of my Cable Car Home Page on the server:

It includes some new items:
1. Picture of the Month: Cable car crew members watch car 504 being decorated as Santa's sleigh. (source: Trolley Topics, January, 1952).
2. With Christmas coming, it's a good time to visit the late Joe Lacey's article Christmas on the Cables (21st anniversary this year), and the Decorated Cable Cars page.
3. On the Cable Tramways in Australia and New Zealand page: Wellington's Kelburn Cable Car, a funicular, allows dogs to ride the line as a test.
4. On the Links page: Bruce Kliewe's site about the Great Reconstruction has a new url. It is a great site to visit
5. Added News items about the Dunedin Cable Tram Calendar, the death of engineer Dr Peter Pfaelzer and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

Ten years ago this month (December, 2011):
1. The picture of the month: A fly-wheel for Sydney's Ocean Street cable tramway, at the Hudson Brothers' Works in Clyde. I like the dude in the bowler. Source: "Sydney's New Tramway. The Ocean-Street Cable Line.", Australian Town and Country Journal, 11-August-1894.
2. On the Cable Tramways in Australia and New Zealand page, more about Sydney's New South Wales Government Tramways. Includes two illustrated newspaper articles about the Ocean Street cable tramway's powerhouse and one about the Ultimo electric powerhouse. Two newspaper articles about the beginning of Sydney's two cable tram lines:
-- North Sydney Line Opens (Melbourne Argus, Monday May 24, 1886)
-- Sydney/King Street Line Opens (Adelaide Advertiser, Thursday, September 20, 1894)
3. With Christmas coming, it's a good time to visit Joe Lacey's article Christmas on the Cables, and the Decorated Cable Cars page.

Twenty years ago this month (December, 2001):
1. Picture of the Month: North Sydney cable tram
2. Roll out new Cable Tramways in Australia and New Zealand page with an article on the Sydney's New South Wales Government Tramways. Also photos of Dunedin's Roslyn Tramway and Wellington's Kelburn Cable Car, a funicular.
3. Add George Smith Duncan to the Who page
4. Add another photo to the Presidio and Ferries page and make images into thumbnails. Add Sanborn maps of Union & Leavenworth powerhouse and the Jefferson/Lyon roundhouse.
5. Add Sanborn maps of Sacramento Street carhouse and California/Laurel roundhouse to the Ferries and Cliff House and more Sacramento/Clay photos to the More Ferries and Cliff House page.
6. Add photo of Santa arriving at the Emporium to Joe Lacey's Christmas on the Cables article.
7. Revise Mount Lowe article with corrections and new information. Thanks to Michael Patris.

Coming in January, 2022: On the Cable Car Lines in New York and New Jersey page: A ten and twenty year update about Hoboken's elevated North Hudson County Railway

125 years ago this month (December, 1896):
December 14 - The cable-driven Glasgow District Subway opened and was immediately closed because of an accident

The Cable Car Home Page now has a Facebook page:

Joe Thompson
The Cable Car Home Page (updated 01-December-2021)
San Francisco Bay Ferryboats (updated 31-January-2020)
Park Trains and Tourist Trains (updated 30-November-2021)
The Pneumatic Rolling-Sphere Carrier Delusion (updated spasmodically)
The Big V Riot Squad (new blog)

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