Friday, October 15, 2021

'Black Brute' Proves To Be White Moron -- October 15, 2021

Chicago Whip, 29-October-1921

The best title I have seen in years. The Chicago Whip was an African-American owned newspaper.

‘Black Brute'
Proves To Be
White Moron

LEXINGTON, Ky., Oct. 29. — After the community had been stirred up with inflammatory headlines in local newspapers and open predictions of a lynching had been circulated, it was learned here that the “Black Brute” who assaulted a young white girl, was none other than a fifty-five-year-old white man, prominent in business circles in the city.

The man, whose name is suppressed, has been taken to Frankfort on order of Circuit Judge R. C. Stoll.

After a thorough grilling the girl admitted that the man who assaulted her was a white man, saying that she had placed the blame on a black man because her assailant had threatened her with death if she exposed him. In the meantime over fifty suspects had been arrested, some of them narrowly escaping lynching.

The crime was discovered by the girl's mother when she noted the condition of her clothing.

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