Wednesday, September 1, 2021

September, 2021 Version of the Cable Car Home Page -- September 1, 2021

The Cable Car Home Page will be 25 years old in November.

I just put the September, 2021 version of my Cable Car Home Page on the server:

It includes some new items:
1. Picture of the Month: Ten-time grand champion Carl Payne gives an exhibition at the 2016 Cable Car Bell Ringing Contest. Defending champ Byron Cobb stands to the left. Photo by Joe Thompson.
2. On the Who Was Important in the History of the Cable Car? page: A new article about Carl Payne, the ten-time champion of the Cable Car Bell Ringing Contest
3. On the Los Angeles area funiculars page: A 1962 magazine article about Angels Flight,
4. Added News items about the return of the cable cars and more about the pandemic resurging

Ten years ago this month (September, 2011):
1. The picture of the month: Electric streetcars ride up and down Cincinnati's Mount Adams Incline.
2. On the new Cable Car Lines in Ohio page: A new article about Cincinnati's Inclines.
3. Added News and Bibliography items about the Powell Street Promenade.

Twenty years ago this quarter (Spring, 2001):
1. Picture of the Quarter: Will Clark riding on cable car
2. Add more items to the Kitsch page, including stamps and magazine advertisements.
3. Add Selected articles from Manufacturer and Builder Magazine (1880-1884) to the Miscellany page.
4. Update How Do Cable Cars Work? page. Changed images to thumbnails. Added girder rail image from Randy Hees and other new images.
5. Bob Murphy provided a photograph of the Gertrude Street Cable Winding House, which I added to the Melbourne article. Peter Vawser provided additional information about Melbourne cable tramways.
6. Add links to Kavanaugh Transit site, North American Vintage Trolley Systems and many others.
7. Add News and Bibliography items about a truck knocking down Seattle's Iron Pergola.
8. Add News and Bibliography items about Angel's Flight runaway accident. Also updated the Los Angeles Area Funiculars page.
9. Move Kalakala article to my ferry web site.
10. Change toy cable car picture on the main page to car 51.
11. Move "The Los Angeles Cable Railway" article from Scientific American (courtesy of Tom Ehrenreich) to another server.

Coming in October, 2021: On the Cable Car Lines in the UK page: More about the cable-operated Glasgow District Subway.

100 years ago this month (September, 1921):
September 13 - The government of Brazil nationalized the partially cable-operated São Paulo Railway

The Cable Car Home Page now has a Facebook page:

Joe Thompson
The Cable Car Home Page (updated 01-September-2021)
San Francisco Bay Ferryboats (updated 31-January-2020)
Park Trains and Tourist Trains (updated 31-August-2021)
The Pneumatic Rolling-Sphere Carrier Delusion (updated spasmodically)
The Big V Riot Squad (new blog)

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