Saturday, August 21, 2021

Declare War on Ku Klux Klan in KY. -- August 21, 2021

Chicago Whip, 27-August-1921

Even when the second Ku Klux Klan reached the height of their powers in the 1920s, some people stood up to them. Louisville Kentucky Mayor George Weissinger Smith said he would use "every lawful means to prevent and suppress its growth in our community." Trenton, New Jersey Commissioner of Public Safety George P LaBarre said he "would 'send to jail and shoot down in cold blood, if necessary,' members of such an organization found taking the law into their own hands."


LOUISVILLE. Ky., Aug. 27. -- Terming the Ku Klux Klan an organization "all thoughtful men must be convinced must he a menace to the peace and good understanding between the people of Louisville." Mayor Smith today issued a statement asserting that he would use "every lawful means to prevent and suppress its growth in our community." The mayor's statement came on the heels of announcement in local newspapers advertising for recruits for the order.

TRENTON. N. .J., Aug 27. -- A letter. written on Ku Klux Klan stationary, soliciting citizens to join the order, was turned over to Commissioner of Public Safety LaBarre by a local newspaper. Commissioner LaBarre announced that he could do nothing in the absence of an overt act, but would "send to jail and shoot down in cold blood, if necessary," members of such an organization found taking the law into their own hands.

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