Saturday, July 31, 2021

COVID-19, Vaccine, Masks, Church, Baseball and School -- July 31, 2021

By late July, new cases, hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 are all rising. Many of the new cases involve the Delta variant. Almost all of the new hospitalizations and deaths are from the group of people who have refused to get vaccinated. Many cities are reimposing mask requirements. States where their goverments discouraged vaccination are running out of ICU beds. Some right wing nutjobs are finally encouraging their followers to get vaccinated. Good Shepherd Church in Pacifica was able to increase capacity for the 11am Sunday mass. They are going to revive the 5pm Saturday mass in September. I went to the barber and got my shelter-in-place beard professionally trimmed for the first time. The Giants were still in first place after the All Star Game.
Great Falls Tribune, 16-April-1921

William S Hart reminds us to keep wearing our masks.

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