Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Alcock, Cross-Ocean Flier, Dies in France -- December 18, 2019

Washington Times, 20-December-1919
On 15-June-1919, Captain John Alcock and Lieutenant Arthur Whitten Brown landed their converted Vickers Vimy bomber in Ireland, completing the first successful non-stop transatlantic flight. 100 years ago today, on 18-December-1919, Alcock died flying a Vickers Viking flying boat to a Paris air show.

First Aviator to Make Non-Stop
Trans-Atlantic Flight Succumbs to Injuries.

ROUEN, France, Dec. 20. -- Capt. Sir John Alcock, the first aviator to make a nonstop airplane flight across the Atlantic, died here yesterday after noon as a result of injuries he received when his plane crashed near Cottevrard, department of Seine-lnferieure, Normandy.

Alcock, who was flying in a water plane, was following the Seine at the time of the accident. Intending to alight on the river opposite the grand palace for an aviation exhibition.

SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 20. -- The death of Capt. Sir John Alcock in France was characterized as "a true sacrifice for the sake of humanity" by Lieut. Sir Arthur W. Brown, Captain Alcock's navigator in the nonstop flight across the Atlantic. Lieutenant Brown will depart for Japan, December 27.

"The sad death of Captain Alcock removes one of the most notable names from among those of notable aviators" said Lieutenant Brown. "He has probably spent more time in the air than any other man. His experience in the air with many different types of machines had fitted him for the highly paid and responsible position of test pilot, but rather than accept such a position he joined the royal naval air service at the out break of the war."

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